Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 16 (5/12/2015) Tuesday Spring Semester

That is it. We had our last meeting on Tuesday - packed with talks - but not with audience :(

The following people/groups gave talks.

1) Ryan Trinkle '09 - Reflex: Practical Functional Reactive Programming

2) Leopold Joy, Lucien CD - FoosRPI-
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/foosrpi/ (mentor Seve)

3) Sebastian Sarbora, Jazmine Olinger, Brittany Walker, Elizabeth
Dinella -  Neptune - http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/neptune/ (mentor

4) Alan Schimmel, Michael Hosier -  Mini BMS
(menotr Eric)

5) Chris Brenon,James Grippo,Kirk Smith,Richie Young - Ballotbox -
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ballotbox/ (mentor Jim)

6) Joseph Monroe, Diego Cepeda, Vincent Cerati - Fitpet-
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/fitpet/ (mentor Jazmine)

7)  Connor Foody, Jon Patsenker - Studyr
-http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/studyr/ (mentor Jim)

8)  - Yufan Lou, Xuan Liu, Nick Smith - YACS++CourseMap
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/coursemap-yacs-catalog/ (mentor Nick)

9) Ming Luo, Seve Ibarluzea, Zaran Lalvani, Forest Crossman and Matthew Vitting, Sia-UI  http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/sia-ui/ (mentor Kiana)

Ryan gave a very nice and easy to understand talk on Reactive Programming using Haskell (web programming , streaming application).  He talked about his library Reflex which makes  this possible,

Leopold and Lucien have completed their FoosBall hardware software interface and had a youtube video of their project. They had used arduino, raspbery Pi , twilio, python for their system.

Much has been accomplished in Neptune - including simulation, hardware and interface. It is still some ways to go - 

MiniBatteryManagement System have fabricated an alpha version. They are refining their design. This project is coming along well.

BallotBox has made a very good progress. They have most of the basic operations working.

FitPet is an IPhone app that monitors the fitness activities using an incentive of pet living well.

Studyr is a project aimed at providing videos lecture notes, problem, past exams among students taking similar courses. The project is yet to mature.

Coursemap is coming along - they show a display of different courses according to the level credits and other filters - Right now it is just a circular display

Sia_UI is coming along very well with Seve leading the group. They have done a sizable portion of the UI implemented. There is also a simulation working. All in all, this project has achieved its goal (assuming the original Sia developers agree).

It is a glorious way to end the semester.

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