Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 9 (7/21/2015) Summer 2015

Summer session is slowly coming to an end. The projects are proceeding along -
The students are working on their projects. All but one group had their presentations.
They are also anxious to bring their projects to completion.
 I suspect that we will get  at least (our usual) 30% success rate .

I hope the students learnt about working on open source projects this summer. Loking forward to thir "completed" projects soon.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Week 8(7/14/2015) Summer 2015

Summer Hackathon July 17, 2015 (with Princess)

Our meeting on 14th July(T - 10 on the pluto flyby and bastilles day) went off smoothly. We had people giving presentations on the status of their projects (sharpnav,tabletome, studybuddy, modular done, priorityQ, Eve Market Analysis, Memory Mason, Mozilla Servo). All the projects are plodding along (some  gallantly, some slowly) - All of them are making efforts - Hopefully we will have good projects to show by the end of this summer (in three weeks time! :( :) )

On Friday (7/17/2015) we had a hackathon in AE 214. Almost all the students showed up and worked on their projects. They were able to clear their doubts  from fellow RCOS-members. I made use of this time to prepare for my class. I think it was a great success. Having food was helpful.

I am looking forward to how their projects are going.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Week 7 (7/7/2015) Summer 2015

RCOS is progressing along well. Thanks to Robert Rouhani who is also helping with mentoring and generally helping  students.  He posted his last weeks talk

I briefly talked about the nine prisoners problem and how I modified Sudoku backtracking code to solve this problem.  My comment appears toward the end (and my code is here )

We are continuing in the style of small meeting format.

Jon gave an update of his Table Tome Project. He has been making a steady progress. He was working on authentication and login system. His slides may be found here.

Avi talked about his servo project. He is implementing cut-and paste functionality. He is testing with a small sample code.

Michael talked about his drone project. The parts he has ordered have come. He explained the parts and the work he has got to do. His slides may be found here

Study Buddy Group gave the next presentation. They are progressing well as a team

Eve Online Market Analysis has a decent website working. They are planning to implement the backend in node.js and javascript with a  mongo db connection.

Finally Samuel talked about his priorityQ project. It is progressing along. He has shown a few screen shots. His talk slides may be found here

All in all, the projects seem to go well.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Week 6 (6/30/2015) Summer Session

Summer 2015 RCOS Students

Thanks to Dr. Goldschmidt for holding the fort for three weeks when I was way in India. He also changed the format - with the group being small we could afford to do it. Essentially our group meeting is like a small, we asked each group to update on their projects.

To start of Rob Rouhani talked about his game playing software (DLL libraries) and how to make a systematic method of generating DLL libraries for various operating systems. His software is being used bya number of people.

Modular drone project is waiting for the parts. Meanwhile they have been progressing with their control software.

Avi talked about his project. Though he did not make progress, his previous patch has been accepted.

Eve on line market Analysis talked next. They showed a static web page. They are having trouble with PHP.  David G has volunteered to help. They are also thinking of moving to Javascript and node.js

Sam talked about Priority Queue. He is making progress slowly but steadily. His webpage is complete. His system uses social aspects to calculate the waiting time.

Study Buddy presentatin went off well. They are making progress both in the backend as well as at the front end (Android).  They had some problem with Git - Luckily Avi was able to help them out.

Memory Mason did not have much to report (Aleksyhas been busy with courses). He has to shape up if he wants to accomplish anything with this project.