Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 12 (8/11/2015) SUmmer Semester

Summer Semester came to an end.  We had usual turnout (barring two singleton groups). Most of the groups  have contributed to the projects as much as possible. Avi pathched X11 code and he had submitted his patch. Congratulations Avi. Congratulations to every one who have made sincere effort to learn and work on their projects.

Off to Fall Semester!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week 11 (8/4/2015) Summer Semester 2015

Summer semester is slowly coming to an end. Students have learnt a lot - both what to do and what not to do.  The students are working on their projects.  As I am struggling to learn new things, I understand the difficulties faced by the students.

I am looking forward to hearing thir final contributions next week.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

week 10 (7/28/2015) Summer Semester 2015

The projects are coming along. wStudents are definitely learning. The outcome may not reflect what they have learnt. They are presenting their weekly updates in meeting.

With ony two weeks left, students have to finish their summer part of the projects. I sincerey that many students will accomplish what they set out to do.