Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Week 8 (7/8/2014) Summer 2014

Week 8 (7/8/2014) Summer 2014

With mid point of the summer gone (July 4th in my view is the middle of summer), students are perking up and trying to finish their projects. We had seven presentations this week.

1) Theo Browne - Docktor (For OSX) 
(mentor Theo Browne)

2)  Adam Susser - Dark Matter Simulation (Problem with Observatory Page- dues to lack of mentor?)

3)  Jim Boulter, Emmett Hitz, and Wyler McAninch-Ruenzi - MeNext Kevin O'Connor)

4) Bobby Parker, Zach Vanderzee and David Koloski - Unity Open 2D (mentor Robert Rouhani)

5) Connor Ameres -Scrum  (mentor Connor Amers)

6)  Robert Rouhani, Samuel Yuan, Renjie Xie, Ryan Lin, Dashiell Kieler - SharpNav (mentor Kevin Fung)

7) Jason Woods, Vatsal Bhagwani, Solomon Mori, Ian Gross - Andriate (mentor Robert Rouhani)

Theo gave a very nice presentation on his docking system for OSX. His system provides different applications for different configurations (these configurations and applications can be customized)He is implementing in Objective C.  He also gave a cool demo. He veen posted is presentation here

Adam gave a talk about Dark Matter Simulation - He is trying to study caustic rings and trying to simulate the hetrogeneous  of n-body problem. He is programming in C. He utliizes both Nemo and Milkyway@home as implementation platforms. He has done some impressive reading of the technical papers. He is currently modeling the macro behavior of hetrogeneous particles. He showed using a video his preliminary results. Adma's project github page is here .

Jim, Emmet and Wyler talked about MeNext -  a democartic client-serer system to view/hear multimedia information. The clients could be in mobile platforms. The clients can add and delete videos and vote on audio/videos. The server (a desktop platform) then selects to play a video/audio that was most popular.
They also (almost) showed a demo on the mobile platform(IPhone). They did demo the server side.

Bobby, Zach and David talked their 2 D extension of Unity. They have posted their talk slides  I was truly impressed with their progress. Their demo was awesome. Their system (open source and free) ahould be welcme to the unity tool community (for games)

Connor talked about his new system (a scrum ) for developers to keep track of the tasks in the software development cycle. Having participated in scrum last year, I thoink it will be a valuable to have a webtool. Connor showed a short demo of his system.

Robert, Samuel, Ryan and Dashiel talked about their SharpNav system . As per his presentation (thanks for posting the slide), SharpNav is a library with an editor, all written in C# with the following features.
  1. It generates navigation meshes
  2. It finds paths through navigation meshes
  3. It coordinates crowds navigating a mesh
  4. It integrates well with a lot of game engines
They showed a very nice demo. Their talk slides may be found here.

Jason, Vatsal, Solomon and  Ian taked about their project Andriate - for playing a sheet music in Android from a photograph of Sheet music. They nicely divided the work among the four. Two of them are working on Image Processing and getting the notes, one is working on Android and playing of music and the fourth one is combining all these subssytems. This seems to be an ambitious project. They are working hard to get a preliminary version before the end of summer.

There were lots of interesting questions and suggestions from students. As usual, I learnt a lot by attending these talks.  Slowly, all the videos of RCOS talks are being loaded in our youtube channel - Talks upto week 6 have been loaded.

It was decided that RCOS will have a hackathon on July 19th and 20th in AE 214, 215 and 216.

Awesome Job by the students and the mentors.

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