Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 4 (2/12/2013) and (2/15/2013) Spring 2013

Week 4 (2/12/2013) and (2/15/2013) Spring 2013

The weeks are rolling by too quickly. We had two meetings this week. On Tuesday, we had talks by

1) Prof. Fran Berman  - Big Data Government Intiative
2) Asher Glick and Matt Zanchelli - pascode and othe pass code 
3) Tor Hagerman libAlexandria 
4) Colin Kuebler Koala
5) Ryan Maxfield IPhone app

Prof. Berman talked about the international efforts in having an infrastructure set up for sharing data. She is leading US efforts. She mentioned that this effort may be similar to the internet initiative taken during 70's and 80's. Lots of interesting things need to be resolved (a lot of social and technological problems) - She encourages students to  contact her.

Asher and Matt talked about their combined efforts to making an easy pass code application that works in browsers for various domains (freeing the users of remembering the passwords). They showed a demo of their system. There were lots of interesting questions and suggestions (including to have an API)

Tor talked about his system level design for his machine learning library (like library of Alexandria) it is a library of libraries).  Tor follows a data flow model for his library - He has done a lot of commits to the repository. He is planning to build an end to end system,

Colin Kuebler presented his Koala System. He has been working on this for three semesters. He hopes to release of his software, get feedback of his system. He is planning to develop a community website.

Ryan talked about finding crab buoy application for IPhones. He outlined the importance of finding crab buoys. He is using customized GPS hardware in the buoys. There were a number of suggestions.

On 2/152013, we had two talk by RCOS alumni
1) Peter Hajas '12
2) Tim Horton '11

Peter talked about the importance of contributing to RCOS projects. Sharing and contributing enables one to be more visible in the community (as well as making RPI and RCOS more visible).

Tim talked a very large open source project webkit and how he has been contributing to it. He encouraged every one to make contribution to some (large)open source project (may be webkit too)

I will also recommend reading these two blog posts (by Tim Horton)
All in all, it was a fantastic week.

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