Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 4 (9/23/2011) Fall 2011

Week 4 (9/23/2011) Fall 2011

The semester is picking up momentum with classes, projects, exams and RCOS. Students are doing a fantastic job. We have a standing room only during our Friday meetings. It is always a pleasure to see so many eager and attentive students.

We had four talks this week.

1) Brandon Justin, Austin Wagner, Alexander Shulgach, Umesh Jonnalagadda
:Mobile Shuttle Tracker

2) Ben Shippee: BitProspector

3)Joe Dougherty, Tom Rozansk, Matthhew Heffler: Network Management System

4) Matt Arsenault '11 and current graduate student at RPI (in Physics) on Open Source and me

Umesh and Alex gave a presentation (Brendon and Austin did not want to crowd the stage!) about their Shuttle Tracker (continued from last semester) project. They are joining hands with the webtech group - having a common code base (so changing to Ruby on Rails) and improving some algorithms. They have a very good schedule planned. Looking forward to great things from them. Here is their presentation slides

Ben talked about his bitProspector (An open source Python/Django application to monitor Bitcoin mining and exchanges.) Ben writes that his work is based on Bitcoin project and to visit as the introduction video explains the concept nicely. Implementation language will be Python and uses Django.

Joe D, Matt H and Tom R talked about their new project on managing networks Their proposed software will scale up nicely and their open source software also fills a niche in that area. Their presentation did not give much technical details.

Matt Arsenault gave an inspiring talk based on his involvement with open source software. Matt gave a lot of pointers how to get involved and how to stay involved and how to contribute to Open Source. Here are his presentation slides.

Yet another delightful week!

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