Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 7 (7/8/2011) Summer 2011

Week 7 (7/8/2011) Summer 2011 - July 4th Week

With a short week, we had fireworks on Monday (7/4) and excellent talks (virtual fireworks) on Friday (7/8). We had a guest speaker Gary Schwartz of dotCIO office and chief architect of Open Source Software Calendering System Bedework. We had two student speakers Kenley Cheung and Matthew McMullen, Jorel Lalick and Mike Heise,

Speakers include

1) Gray Schwartz (dotCIO office) - Open Source Software efforts at Rensselaer

2) Kenley Cheung - Concerto Con Moto

3) Matthew McMullen, Jorel Lalicki and Mike Heise

Gary talked about the history of Open Source efforts at Rensselaer and problems faced by the open source developers in terms of licensing and distribution. Gary also talked about various success stories with the open source development at Rensselaer (including some of RCOS projects). Gary has pointed out good links, also gave excellent ideas how to get involved and make lasting contributions to Open Source Software. At his request Riley did not videotape Gary's talk.

Kenley's project involves using kinect to control Concerto (digital signage systems). He calls his system Concerto Con Moto (In Italian con moto means with motion). Kenley has contributed code to open source code DepthJS (developed originally at MIT media labs). Kenly is debugging his system (with improved gesture recognition, his system will be fully functional). Kenley even showed a demo. His talk slides may be found here. Kenley answered with satisfaction a number of interesting and probing questions.

Here is a video of Kenley' talk

Matthew, Jorel and Mike Heise presented their progress with adaptive math game library. Their system chooses the appropriate libraries in an adaptive manner. They have made a lot of progress. They have also developed an excellent testing framework and a performance tool. Each of the three persons presented and was able to describe what his contribution was. It was refreshing to see a
good co-operation among them. Their talks may be found here.

Here is a video of Matthew, Jorel and Mike's talk:

All three talks were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed them.

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