4/15/2011 is our annual tax day when we submit our federal and state taxes for the preceeding year. This year we had a couple of more days before we can send our tax returns! That does not bother the rcos group. Our presentations are going strong. This week we had four presentations.
1) Joseph Dougherty and Tom Rozanski http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/fire-department-management-syste/
2 )Graylin Kim http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/open-legislation/
3) Rob Carr Go Game Strategies
4) Colin Kuebler http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/koala/
Joe and Tom are finalists in the 2011 New York Business Plan Competition for their rcos project. They will be presenting on April 28th - Good Luck to them.Tom and Joe are rewriting their existing code as plug in architecture - to make their system more portable and modular. They have rewritten portions of their code and they look modular. There were many intersting questions from students. They gave a very slick presentation. Their presentation slides can be found here.
Fire department-management-presentation-2
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Graylin talked about his other project a format documentation project (about library for extracting game information from Starcraft II replay files into a replay object) and software checklists. Graylin crtiqued his own development based on the check list. His talk slides may be found here.
Rcos final presentation
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3) Rob talked about his Go AI Strategies. He wanted to use proverbial strategies than montecarlo methods. Go strategies are pretty hard - Rob is slowly making a headway into this. Rob is yet to put his projects inthe observatory. Never the less Rob is doing very good work and making good progress. His talk slides may be found here.
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4) Finally Colin talked about his Koala system - a programming environment for any one (web based). He hd some setbacks so he could not demo his whole system. His lexical analyzer program works and he was able to demonstarte hello world program. This being his first rcos project, Colin has done a good job. His talk slides may be found here.
Rcos midterm
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All in all talks were very good and showed a lot of clever ideas from superb students!
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