Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 7 Spring 2011 (3/11/2011)

Week 7 (3/11/2011)

We are approaching the half way point of the spring semester. With the spring break being next week, and IPad launching this Friday, our seminar was attended by the die-hards! We have a good group of attentive listeners. Continuing our last weeks trend, no laptops were opened during the talks.

We had six talks this week.
1) Deon Robinson - Android Gaming

2) Thomas Buttner - LaForge

3) Brendan A, Andrew B - PLANner
4) Beth T and Bet W -ScoreBoard

5) Nate Stedman-Ease

6) Ben Shippe - Jumpstart

These are their first presentations - Considering that the projects are doing well. Since RCOS is going to go one notch up, we all have to push harder and accomplish greater things (such as pushing code, documentation, blogging etc). Our lead peer mentor is actively helping this efforts.

Deon has been coding examples to understand the Andengine , an open source gaming engine (using open GL) fr Androids. Deon has developed some expertise. He is doing more this semester.

His slides may be foind here.

2) Tom Buttner is developing an application that will help disk jockeys in radio station to keep track of play lists. He is using musicDNS and picard and writing a wrapper. His slides may be found here

3) Andrew presented pLANner a game scheduling project for Rensselaer Gaming Association. They are developing web applications including mobiles for easily maintaining the schedules and scores (distributed). They accomplshed some code development during hackathon with facebook. They are using twilio for messaging.

4) Beth and Beth talked about scoreboard a motivation application for users/avatars by providing badges and accomplishments. They are currrently developing using python and django. Eventually they want to make a facebook applciation. They are still learning Python nd Django. Their slides may be found here.

5) Nate talked about development of Ease. Currently he is planning to port his sytem to python. Since Nate is also involved with Observatory, he is not able to develop much time to Ease. But he hopes to get this done in two weeks. Knowing it is Nate, I tend to believe it! His slides may be found here.

6) Ben gave his presentation on his accomplishments with Jumpstart. He was able to complete most of SMTP issues and he is well on to his way making a script to do the installation. His talk slides may be found here:

Please push your code and blogs. By doing a great with your project, make RCOS and you proud!

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