Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 15 (12/2/2014) Fall Semester 2014

This is the last meeting of our Fall Semester 2014. We did not make the same mistake like last semesters (ut may have committed new ones :( ) I am satisfied with overall proceedings of the semester. But it did require a lot of efforts from various people. I should thank the lead mentors and all the mentors and Dr. Goldschmidt for thei part in making this semester a success.

The following groups made presentations:

1) Jake Lowey- SpokenMedia
(mentor Aaron Gunderson)
2) Jonathan Wrona, Dan Lowe - DnD5e Toolbox (mentor Zach Jablons)
3) Amartya Chakraborty,Shinya Hirata,Sam Yuan,Sensen Chen,Aaron Cheng
- - (mentor
Jorel Lalicki)
4) Kevin Fung, Darren Lin, Garrett Chang - Emissary (mentor Kevin Fung)
5) Arya Seghatoleslami,Tom Yang and Jeemiah Hendrix  - YumYum! - (mentor Alex Freska)
6)Chenrui Cao, Xi Xi, Renjie Xie, Juntao Zhuang - 2W When and Where (mentor Nicholas Pitt)
7) Emmett Hitz and Paul Revere - Vest - (mentor Theo Browne)
8)Eric Oswald, Jorel Lalicki - Adaptable Automotive sensor
(mentor Aaron Gunderson)

Spokenmedia was a new project (changed from 3D HCI) mid way through the semester. Thius project uses Dragon software and Microsoft's C++ (or is it C sharp). He could not show the demo - He is making a steady progress.

DnD5 is anew project (started after RPIHack) for playing dungeons and dragons. The have done some preliminary implementation. They plan to get the data (manual for the game) fromc crowd -sourcing. They also making sure that no violation against copy-rights. have progressed reasonaly well. They showed a demo. Main concern is the data for various clubs. Union is also starting  a new wbsite. As one poster mentioned it may worth joining efforts. rClus  also seem to include social aspects - I do not know the effect of this.

Emissary is a javascript (from python) program to watch the league of legends. They have made very good progress and they showed a demo.

YumYum project has come a long way. They included information aout downtown restaurants. They have uilt the system using Ruby on Rails.

When and Where is a websevice (written in PHP) for knowing uilding openings and facilities available in that uilding. They also showed a demo of their project.

Vest is a project to find potential victims from past crime data (based on a paper by a Yale Sociologist). They have scrapped faceook to get the friend of crime victims. Their next job is to verify aout the hypothesis.

Automative log sensor project is nearing its completion. Most of the programs and the circuit designs have been done. Remains to be incorporated in the automobile.

Finally a new project to install free ooms in a library notifier was proposed. This project was done in conjunction with RPI librray (has the blessings of Mr. Mayo).

Very nice talks and very interesting questions. I provided ice cream cake for all their efforts to show my token of appreciation.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Week 14 (11/25/2014) Fall semester 2014

This is ou thanksgiving week. So we had only meeting this Tuesday. The following groups presented their talks

1)  Brian Kelley, John Behnke, Zachary Minster, Aleksey Klimchenko -
Where R U? (mentor Jim

2) Branden Clark, Ze Qin, Toshi Piazza - Dynamorio (mentor Joshua Makinen)

3) Wyatt Kroemer, Drake Perrior-Small, John Drogo, Mason Cooper, Lavin
Aro CMS (mentor Kevin O'Connor)

4) Alex Freska and Logan Shire - React/Grapefruit - (mentor David Goldschmidt)

5) Dan Fang, ZeXin Wan - Smart Schedule (mentor Moorthy)

Where  R U project is coming along well. They have not yet completed the project. Portions of it  are completed. They are building both IPhone and Android app for picking passengers for their rides. Thy also showed a demo. Their backend is also working.

Dynamorio poject involving fixing the various bugs.  They also showed a demo of the usefulness of DYnamorio in finding malwares. Their talk slides may be found here . A demo of using their program to detet malwares may be found here (run time patching) - This is a tar gzipped file.

AroCMS has progressed further. They showed an alpha version of their program. They have api for various plug ins. They showed a cool demo. They used MEAN stak for their development. Most of it is in Javasript. I really hope that this project takes off.

Grapefruit/react project is going eally picking up steam. They have made a fast (reactive) GUI based on Javascript. - Most of the work is done in client side. Thei GUI also enables easier use of Grapefruit by the faculty members. Their project was liked by RedHat people and wanted them to showcase their project in SIGCSE conference.

Smart Schedule is more of a learning project. They are producing a calendar system for IPhone. They showed a demo. To make this project more interesting and different, they have to combine with weather indicator and availabilty indiator to predict about scheduling.  I doubt whether that will be done this semester or next.

There were many interesting questions as usual.  It was a time well spent and leanred a lot of new things. I wish I could retain most of the information! :(

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week 13 (11/18/2014 and 11/21/2014) Fall Semester 2014

 Week 13 (11/18/2014 and 11/21/2014) Fall Semester 2014

Grapefruit Poster

Where R U Poster

This week was yet another hectic week  RPIHack went last week very well (thanks to the excellent organization by Jazmine, Robert, Sebabtian and Jacob). It was well covered in the local media 
We had poster presentation on wednesday - Some of the photographs are above. The posters were well appreciated by every one I talked. All these things make me blush - too much self - aggrandizing~

On Tuesday we had the following talks followed by RPIHack project talks:
1) Dennis Fogerty, Austin Gulati - Whats that Sample - (mentor Severin
Ibarluzea )
2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler (mentor Jim Boulter)
3)Jorel Lalicki - #jorelsphone

Dennis and Austin are working on to recognize the music by a small sample. They have not scraped the music (and hence not populated their database). They are using a music sampling software library (could not get a demo working becaise of the change in ssytem). Hope they are able to pull off their project and come to a good conclusion.

Spoiler group is coming along - have implemented a few of the steps - logging of the speed seems to work. Their App will be a welcome to parents and friends of teenage drivers and inexpereinced drivers.

Jorel gave a design description of his phone - It is ambitious and has tools to electrical lab equioments. He has enough processing power. He seems to think that there is not much power consumption.

After these, Tho and his group talked about theor RPIHack project  an answer to clickbait infacebook. This is a chrome extension software. Joshua and his group talked about hdb (hilly billy debugger) which is a front end of a compiler placing print statements. Logan and his partner talked about their prize winning project (Humanitarian side) on an anonymous chat tool for LGBT community. Ji Woong Baek talked about a simple serial interface to Aurdino (please see here ). All of them learned a lot of new things in RPIHack and did contribute to open source projects.

On Friday (11/21/2014) we had the following talks.
1) Kevin Zheng Lights Out -
(mentor Jim Bolter)

2) Peter Ryder, Blake Lingenau, Mike Macelletti -  Check Up - (mentor Devon Bernard)

3)  Derek Meer and Michael Hosier - OpenWSN - (mentor Eric Oswald)

4) Dan Baek, Robert Hannum, Jacob Abramson - RPI Mobile Dining Hall
Menu- (mentor Dan

5) Theodore Tenedorio, Tommy Fang - Pokemon RPI (mentor Jim Bolter)

Kevin Zhang release his beta version of Lights out (Andriod APP) to switch off lights in the car when one has reached the destination. His app does not consume that much power and has a number of features.

Check Up project (which is a combination of task manager and performance monitor) has come a long way. They are writing the script in a version of python. They showed an awesome demo.

OpenWSN (open wireless sensor network) is progressing along - mostly by providing JSON interface and understanding the code. This group also contributed some visualization. They are planning to develop a hardware with an open protocol stack.

RPI Mobile dining hall menu parser, despite the setbacks, has been coming along well. Robert has been writing his parsing software.There was a good suggestion to make his parsing task simpler. Jacobg is progressing along with incorporating sodexo menu in RPIMobile. The GUI needs some work, code cleaning - but a great progress.

PokemanRPI has been along well with custom map editor and the game engine They have a new member in their project. They are planning to release a version by the end of the Fall semester.

What a fantastic week with an active participation by RCOS students.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

week 12 (11/11/2014 and 11/14/2014) Fall Semester

RCOS group is going strong. We are all busy with courses, projects, grading and Hackathon. It is good to be busy doing something than being idle!

On Tuesday we had the following talks

1) Charlie Machalow - cDashboard - (mentor Robert Rouhani)
2) Jim Boulter, Josh Makinen, Justin Etzine- MeNext - (mentor Jorel Lalicki)
3) Aaron Gunderson, Burke Livingston , Joseph Lee, John Yannou, Amy
Zhang, Parker Haynes, Nathan Bernard - Whiteboard- (mentor Eric Oswald)
4) Laurie Wu - Travel/Interests Site (mentor
5) Sophia D'Antoine, Brandon Clark -Security Course/Web

cDashBoard has many new features added including Battery life remaining, cMOte )(media controller), spotify integration, cRemainder, cReviewer and cNotifier - He also designed the system according to software enginering principles- Got new feature requests. It looks like cDashboard works under windows 10 too. The demo went very well - impressive software.

MeNext was demoed with webinput. It was very nice - ith students voting for the song. Jim said about his update being gone and he plans to work the iPhone thing work. Because of the sound system, they could not test their software in RPIHack. But their project is very ncie - nearly completed.

Whiteboard also showed offt their system (running under AWS). Their website is in Please test it and provide a feedback  Their talk slides are found in

Laurie is stating a new project Spontaneous Travel Agent.  - providing safety zones, walkable places, restaurnts using social networks. The project is still in its infancy. Hopefully it will take on.

Sophia and Brendon talked about the new security course that was being offered. They showed the binary exploits. Their talk slides (very interesting three programs) canbe found here

On Friday (11/14/2014) we had four talks.
1) Devon Bernard - Chrome Extensions & BrowserDB
2) Nicholas Pitt - OpenLab
(mentor Aaron Gunderson)
3) Severin Ibarluzea, Kiana McNellis and Aaron Gunderson: New Attendence System

Devon gave a cool presentation of Chrome Extension for bookmark, nots and search management. BroswerDB is available in Chromestore

Open Lab project is going on well. Because of the difficulty with Aurdino, this project is using cypress and proprietary sofwtare. It enhances openLab features. 

The new attendence system seems to be working well (People text a code to a specified telephone number) and the results are stored in google form. The codes chane every meeting. Their talk slides may be found here

Most of the students are getting ready for RPIHack. As we speak that hackathon is coming to an end now. The organizers worked very hard on that.  You can hear the local news coverage here

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 11 (11/4/2014 and 11/7/2014) Fall Semester 2014

We are in eleventh week in he Fall semester and the projects are picking up momentum. We already have had students giving their second talk.

on Tuesday we had the following presentations

1) Huiye, Xitu, Xinchi, Wei, Joseph, Yiding, Peiyan - ShengGuanTu

2)  Severin Ibarluzea and Joey Lee -

3)  Keenan Sanchez, Hayley Schluter - FireDB

4)  Aesa Kamar - Functional Programming

ShenGuanTu game project is going well. They have posted their talk slides:  They were unable to show a demo - They did a youtube video of their project.

Sevi and Joey gave a project presentation of which uses javascript - They showed how the client server works. They showed a traditional chat room - Then they showed off their distributed game and the students participaed with gusto. It was a very nice talk. Their slides will be found here and their repo is

kennen and Hayley talked about their project on Webenable local database for ems services. They are building a system to streamline the recertification process. They have done a fair amount of work and they are progressing along well.

Asea gave a very nice presentation Functional programming (I have to miss as I have to be at Freshmen advising) I did read his slides thugh. Of course there is an advantage of no states - makingmultithread programming a lot easier.

on Friday we have the following talks:
1)Devon Bernard - OMail
2)Chris May, Paul Chiappetta and Brian O'Sullivan - DGAL (mentor Austin Gulati)
3) Kevin Fung, Chris Brenon - Chlorine (mentor Colin Rice) -
2nd Talk
4)Theo Browne -  Docktor - (mentor Jim Boulter) -
2nd Talk
5) Jonathan Wrona and Dan Lowe - IBEIS - (mentor Zachary Jablons)

Devon gave his hackathon project omail - an outlook extension to sease in searching the attachment types andother tags This comes close to semantic searching the emails.

Chris and  Paul talked about DGAL - a genetic algorithms library. They gave a demo - a nice optimization package - very impressive for the amount of understanding required. Their talk slides may be found

Kevin and Chris gave their second presentation of Chlorine - a library to make GPU programming much asier. Last time they showed a fractal demo. This time they could not show their ray tracing demo
They plan to receive their software at the end of the semester/

Theo gave his second talk on Doktor - docking system with a new improved Logo. He gave a nice demo. His software is almost ready. He isplanning to ship out his software by the end of the semester.

Jonathan and Dana talked about their project on IBEIS - an image processing siftware to identifying wild animals for preservation. They are developing an easier interface so that the core of the software could e used by field workers. Their talk slides may be found here

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 10 (10/28/2014 and 10/31/2014) Fall Semester 2014

We are already two thirds of way into the Fall Semester. Thnigs are moving along. On Tuesday we had four talks

1) Michael Zemsky - BountyBB
(menor: Michael Zemsky- self mentored?)

2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler- (mentor Jim Boultier)

3) Lucien Christie-Dervaux, Leopold Joy, David Chen -  FoosRPI: (mentor Severin Ibarluzea)

 4) Nicholas Grippo,Sam Seng - Tag-It (Window-World)- (mentor Aaron Gunderson)

Mike is working on BountyBB - a distributed file/data sharing platform. He is building a middle layer. He is yet to decidewhat networks to choose. Also the encryption schemes have to be ironed out. 

Spoiler is an ioS and android app to monitor and log driving speeds. They have implemented speed measurement and the logging systems. They have designed the overall system. They have a lot to impleent before the system can be released. They are hopeful.

FoosRPI is a  project to keep track of the scores on the foos tables. They showed a nice demo of the system using ardunio. They are well on their way to completing this project It is very ncie to see freshmen accomplishing so much

Tag it is a social netwrk application where people can tag objects/images/photos/three d- things and make a graffitti . This is a slightly different version of their original project.  The project is still a way to go. But they are making an effort.

 Friday,(10/31/2014) we had a guest speaker  Prof. Philip Guo.

Prof. Philip Guo ( )  gave an inspiring talk about his research (HCI) and choices for graduate studies.

As usual there were a lot of questions and interesting suggestions

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 10 (10/21/2014 and 10/24/2014) Fall Semester - RPI Home page has a feature story on RCOS - That is simply awesome!

RPI is bristling with many activities and the fall semester is going in full swing.

On Tuesday (10/21/2014) We had two talks:

1) Chenrui Cao, Xi Xi, Renjie Xie, Juntao Zhuang - 2W (mentor Nicholas Pitt)

2)  Dan Fang, ZeXin Wan - Smart Schedule (mentor Moorthy)

2W - When and Where started an as andoid app in the summer. It is now modified into a web application - so it could be used . They use a server code (that Dave Goldschmidt has coded in his network programming class) and showed a little demo. Right now,  2W shows the building hours and offices located in buildings. They are planning to integrate with google maps. 

Smart Schedule is to provie an IOS application (for IPhones) . They have crreated a backend for the schedules. Right now they are building a GUI. There was a suggestion/question to integrate SmartSchedule with course registration/selection. Recurring schedule is another suggestion that came from students.

1)Chandler Dumm, Bikram, Spencer Norris -  AskPI- (mentor Devon Bernard)

2) Dan Baek, Robert Hannum, Jacob Abramson - RPI Mobile Dining Hall
Menu (mentor Dan Baek
- self mentored?)

3) Cyril George, Akshay Matta, Matt Corsaro - Plan of Study - (mentor Dimitar Dimitrov)

4) Kevin Fung, Darren Lin, Garrett Chang -  Emissary -  (mentor Kevin Fung - self

5) Arya Seghatoleslami and Tom Yang - YumYum! (mentor Alex Freska)

AskPI is a webapplication built for social application - some voting. Their original aim is to help with student government.  During their talk, students suggested that their project could be of more general use. They are planning to write the entire project in javascript with mongodb. The groups effort is to learn something new and provide a useful web application. This goal is nice and hope they achieve their objectives. They showed a demo of their front end. There were suggestions to imporve that. Backend needs more work. That is what they will be working on, This project is looking for a server. Github was suggested as a solution

RPIMobileDining Hall Menu is to parse sodexo menu and  to provide an app for RPIMobile (android version). Their HTML scrapping and parsing worked (till sodexo changed its html format). They are providing JSON translation of the HTML. Once that is done, the next step is to incorporate into RPIMobile. Future enhancement will include notification of favorite dishes and choice of dietary restriction menu items.

Plan of Study is to provide a mechanism to help students to choose the required and elective courses to fulfil the graduation requirements. The main problem is to get doubl and dual majors and minors. They showed a front end whch the user can select courses in different semesters. Right now the front end works for EE and ECSE and CS courses. They may also provide a category for different departments. The backend has to provide a prerequisites and alternative courses. This project is a high profile project. It can succeed - but needs a close mentoring to get it in giid shape.

Emissary is a spectator of league of legends games. They also provide undocumented features of leagues of legend games. Realtime visualization of games is another important goal. They have done the project using python. They plan to implement the features in coffeescript. They are wll onto completion of their project.

YumYum is a webapplication to find free food available in campus and elsewhere. They decided against scraping - instead getting theemails and other departmental colloquia where free food is available. Also there are commercial opportunities with hotels. .They have a prototype working - Their project is written in Ruby on Rails. They showed a demo - They will add more features to make their project noteworthy. 

In the end a management student (junior) pitched his idea of social connection using IPhones for the choice of clothes. Some of the features included 3D  visualization
As usual there were a number of questions and suggestions from students. That made the eveing very pleasant.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 9 (10/14/3024 and 10/17/2-14) Fall Semester

This week is a compressed week - to do 5 days work in 4 days time.  Since Tuesday is a Monday at RPI it added some conflicts.  On top of it, we had an open house on Saturday The above photograph shows RCOS students helping out with Open House. We had meeting both on Tuesday and on Thursday. On Tuesday we had a talk

1) Kirk Smith, Brendan Cazier, Altan Gulen, Lloyd Jones - BallotBox (mentor Theo Browne)

This group have progressed quite well. They have created a public voting and showed a demo running from a local server They are planning to move that a public webserver They are also working on private voting. They are using ruby on Rails. They are planning to implement a mobil version for Android. 
Their slides are here

On Friday we had two talks:

1) Kienan Knight-Boehm, Dylan Lingenau, Spencer Weiner, Barry Hu
- SelfSecured (mentor Theo Browne)

2) Derek Meer and Michael Hosier - OpenWSN (mentor Eric Oswald)

SelfSecured is amobile application for emergency situations.  They mentioned of te problem of git with android development framework. They divide their projec into four parts (panic button, timer, emergency services and docial) so taht all of them will be able to have a full understanding of the entire system. Their slides can be found here They showed a demo of their system

OpenWSN is a open wireless sensor network project from Berkeley. Derek and Michael are contributing to the project.
They already have one bug and they are learning the big system  They are also implementing a JSON interface to OpenVisualizer.Their final goal is to create a cheap hardware which implements the standard protocol stack. Their talk slide is found here

There were excellent questions and suggestions. Usually they make understand the talks much better.
What a great educational opportunity for me and other students.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week 8 (10/6/2014 and 10/10/2014) Fall Semester 2014

We are past the mid point of the semester. Raymond Jacobsen (Past RCOS member) Alex Freska (RCOS member) , Julius Alexander won Hack Uostate 2014 held in Syracuse University

This week on Tuesday(10/6/2014) we had the following presentations:
Unfortunately I was unable to listen to the last three talks (because of my freshman advising session)- On the other hand all the students have psoted their presentations and I was able to read and comprehend as much as I can.

1) Kevin Zheng - Lights Out
(Mentor Jim Boultier)
2) Kiana McNellis, Sam Seng, Jesse Freitas - HW Server (Mentor Aaron Gunderson)
3) Branden Clark, Ze Qin, Toshi Piazza - Dynamorio (Mentor Joshua Makinen)
4)  Ezra Dowd and Tahsin Loqman - RPI Walk (Mentor Robert Rouhani)
 5) Kevin O'Connor - PuckmanLabs (Mentor Kevi O'Connor -self

Lightsout project is a mobile application to remind drivers to turn of their car lights after they reached their destination. It sends email notifications. The android app is almost complete. IPhone App is in the implementation phase. He is planning to release the software at the end of the semester.

HW server is going in full swing. They are planning to release an api so that other classes can use this. They showed a nice demo of their current system. They are well on their way to complete this project if not this semester (hopefully by the end of this year).

Dynamorio (Dynamic Library Instrumentation Proram) is a project that has been going strong for the past two years. They have psoted their talk slides here  They are working on the heap stack for callback visualizations

RPI walk is progressing along very well.They are redesigning the UI and optimizations on the route - Final aim is to make the routes similar to google maps. Very well done project.

PuckmanLabs is to provide uniform APIS for various data manipulations. The goals are to have cataloged data sets, access control, lightweight support and community support. He has finished scrapper framewrk, Works and APIframework. he is yet to finish the first data set (and more tests), and wrapping the API and deploy. His talk slides are here

As usual there were many interesting questions during meeting as well as off line.

On Friday (10/10/2014) we had the following presentations:

) Kienan Knight-Boehm - Parsing Wikipedia
2) Wyatt, Drake, John, Mason, Lavin - Aro CMS (Mentor Kevin O'Connor)
3) Robert Rouhani, Ariel Lee - SharpNav (Mentor Kevin Fung)
4) Nicholas Pitt - OpenLab
(Mentor Aaron Gunderson)
5)  Aesa Kamar, Elizabeth Dinella, Satoshi Masuura, Jake Mdogz -
MobaJoy (Mentor Joshua Makinen)

Parsin Wikipedia is a fun project started to learn by doing (fusing the concepts of algorithms, parsing and data structures). He narrated his experiences of downloading incremental wikipedia files (huge) and how to edit/parse and getuseful information out of it. Finally he was able to take one wikipedia downloaded file and render it as a HTML file. 
His talk slides are found here
His takeaway point is -Homeworks are not as fun as doing projects and getting frustarted with and finally succeeding.
He prefers Hackathons. I thought RCOS provides sucha  forum - I could be wrong.

AroCMS is a new content management system written in javascript using mean stack (mongodb, express, angular and nodejs). It is simple, light weitght, usercentric, friendly UI and scalable. They have finished Plugin Recognition, Database binding, HTML compiler . They have to do plugin sandbox, implement ui and testing. Their talk slides are found here  It si a big project and needs user base to succeed. Hope this project achieves its goals.

SharpNav is going in full swing.He has released a0.9 version - has some bugs need to iron out the inks. Make it more unity friendly. His system seems to fill a void in the gaming community.

OpenLab is moving along well. He is making a good progess and showed a demo. There are some interesting problem that still remain to be solved. He showed a demo too,

MobaJoy is a project with an added hardware to play the league of legends game. They are resolving multiple inputs (frommouse and the hand held devise) to process the requests. They are making steady progress,

All in all I learnt a lot form listening to these talks and the perceptive questions asked by the students.