We are already two thirds of way into the Fall Semester. Thnigs are moving along. On Tuesday we had four talks
1) Michael Zemsky - BountyBB http://rcos.rpi.edu/ projects/bandit/
(menor: Michael Zemsky- self mentored?)
2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler-
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ spoiler/ (mentor Jim Boultier)
3) Lucien Christie-Dervaux, Leopold Joy, David Chen - FoosRPI:
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ foosrpi/ (mentor Severin Ibarluzea)
4) Nicholas Grippo,Sam Seng - Tag-It (Window-World)-
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ window-world/ (mentor Aaron Gunderson)
1) Michael Zemsky - BountyBB http://rcos.rpi.edu/
(menor: Michael Zemsky- self mentored?)
2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler-
3) Lucien Christie-Dervaux, Leopold Joy, David Chen - FoosRPI:
4) Nicholas Grippo,Sam Seng - Tag-It (Window-World)-
Mike is working on BountyBB - a distributed file/data sharing platform. He is building a middle layer. He is yet to decidewhat networks to choose. Also the encryption schemes have to be ironed out.
Spoiler is an ioS and android app to monitor and log driving speeds. They have implemented speed measurement and the logging systems. They have designed the overall system. They have a lot to impleent before the system can be released. They are hopeful.
FoosRPI is a project to keep track of the scores on the foos tables. They showed a nice demo of the system using ardunio. They are well on their way to completing this project It is very ncie to see freshmen accomplishing so much
Tag it is a social netwrk application where people can tag objects/images/photos/three d- things and make a graffitti . This is a slightly different version of their original project. The project is still a way to go. But they are making an effort.
Friday,(10/31/2014) we had a guest speaker Prof. Philip Guo.
Prof. Philip Guo ( http://pgbovine.net/academic. htm ) gave an inspiring talk about his research (HCI) and choices for graduate studies.
As usual there were a lot of questions and interesting suggestions
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