Week 13 (11/18/2014 and 11/21/2014) Fall Semester 2014
Grapefruit Poster
Where R U Poster
This week was yet another hectic week RPIHack went last week very well (thanks to the excellent organization by Jazmine, Robert, Sebabtian and Jacob). It was well covered in the local media
Poly covered it here http://poly.rpi.edu/2014/11/19/rpi_hosts_first_hackathon/
We had poster presentation on wednesday - Some of the photographs are above. The posters were well appreciated by every one I talked. All these things make me blush - too much self - aggrandizing~
On Tuesday we had the following talks followed by RPIHack project talks:
1) Dennis Fogerty, Austin Gulati - Whats that Sample -
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ whats-that-sample/ (mentor Severin
Ibarluzea )
2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler
- http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ spoiler/ (mentor Jim Boulter)
3)Jorel Lalicki - #jorelsphone
Ibarluzea )
2) Evan Thompson, Alex Vargas, Phil LaGambino, Tausif Ahmed - Spoiler
- http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
3)Jorel Lalicki - #jorelsphone
Dennis and Austin are working on to recognize the music by a small sample. They have not scraped the music (and hence not populated their database). They are using a music sampling software library (could not get a demo working becaise of the change in ssytem). Hope they are able to pull off their project and come to a good conclusion.
Spoiler group is coming along - have implemented a few of the steps - logging of the speed seems to work. Their App will be a welcome to parents and friends of teenage drivers and inexpereinced drivers.
Jorel gave a design description of his phone - It is ambitious and has tools to electrical lab equioments. He has enough processing power. He seems to think that there is not much power consumption.
After these, Tho and his group talked about theor RPIHack project http://buzz-off.me/ an answer to clickbait infacebook. This is a chrome extension software. Joshua and his group talked about hdb (hilly billy debugger) which is a front end of a compiler placing print statements. Logan and his partner talked about their prize winning project (Humanitarian side) on an anonymous chat tool for LGBT community. Ji Woong Baek talked about a simple serial interface to Aurdino (please see here http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/audino/ ). All of them learned a lot of new things in RPIHack and did contribute to open source projects.
On Friday (11/21/2014) we had the following talks.
1) Kevin Zheng Lights Out - http://rcos.rpi.edu/ projects/lights-out/
(mentor Jim Bolter)
2) Peter Ryder, Blake Lingenau, Mike Macelletti - Check Up -
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ check-up/ (mentor Devon Bernard)
3) Derek Meer and Michael Hosier - OpenWSN -
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ openwsn/ (mentor Eric Oswald)
4) Dan Baek, Robert Hannum, Jacob Abramson - RPI Mobile Dining Hall
Menu- http://rcos.rpi.edu/ projects/sodexo-menu-parser/ ( mentor Dan
5) Theodore Tenedorio, Tommy Fang - Pokemon RPI
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ pokemon-rpi/ (mentor Jim Bolter)
(mentor Jim Bolter)
2) Peter Ryder, Blake Lingenau, Mike Macelletti - Check Up -
3) Derek Meer and Michael Hosier - OpenWSN -
4) Dan Baek, Robert Hannum, Jacob Abramson - RPI Mobile Dining Hall
Menu- http://rcos.rpi.edu/
5) Theodore Tenedorio, Tommy Fang - Pokemon RPI
Kevin Zhang release his beta version of Lights out (Andriod APP) to switch off lights in the car when one has reached the destination. His app does not consume that much power and has a number of features.
Check Up project (which is a combination of task manager and performance monitor) has come a long way. They are writing the script in a version of python. They showed an awesome demo.
OpenWSN (open wireless sensor network) is progressing along - mostly by providing JSON interface and understanding the code. This group also contributed some visualization. They are planning to develop a hardware with an open protocol stack.
RPI Mobile dining hall menu parser, despite the setbacks, has been coming along well. Robert has been writing his parsing software.There was a good suggestion to make his parsing task simpler. Jacobg is progressing along with incorporating sodexo menu in RPIMobile. The GUI needs some work, code cleaning - but a great progress.
PokemanRPI has been along well with custom map editor and the game engine They have a new member in their project. They are planning to release a version by the end of the Fall semester.
What a fantastic week with an active participation by RCOS students.
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