We are in eleventh week in he Fall semester and the projects are picking up momentum. We already have had students giving their second talk.
on Tuesday we had the following presentations
1) Huiye, Xitu, Xinchi, Wei, Joseph, Yiding, Peiyan - ShengGuanTu
2) Severin Ibarluzea and Joey Lee - Socket.io
3) Keenan Sanchez, Hayley Schluter - FireDB
4) Aesa Kamar - Functional Programming
ShenGuanTu game project is going well. They have posted their talk slides:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D4aFm8oQdirPeOCee7THyRY8QHeBgPp8O1usXpkmO-c/edit?usp=sharing They were unable to show a demo - They did a youtube video of their project.
Sevi and Joey gave a project presentation of socket.io which uses javascript - They showed how the client server works. They showed a traditional chat room - Then they showed off their distributed game and the students participaed with gusto. It was a very nice talk. Their slides will be found here http://slides.com/
kennen and Hayley talked about their project on Webenable local database for ems services. They are building a system to streamline the recertification process. They have done a fair amount of work and they are progressing along well.
Asea gave a very nice presentation Functional programming (I have to miss as I have to be at Freshmen advising) I did read his slides thugh. Of course there is an advantage of no states - makingmultithread programming a lot easier.
on Friday we have the following talks:
1)Devon Bernard - OMail
2)Chris May, Paul Chiappetta and Brian O'Sullivan - DGAL
3) Kevin Fung, Chris Brenon - Chlorine
2nd Talk
4)Theo Browne - Docktor -
2nd Talk
5) Jonathan Wrona and Dan Lowe - IBEIS -
Devon gave his hackathon project omail - an outlook extension to sease in searching the attachment types andother tags This comes close to semantic searching the emails.
Chris and Paul talked about DGAL - a genetic algorithms library. They gave a demo - a nice optimization package - very impressive for the amount of understanding required. Their talk slides may be found https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZlgZhIJ-COmuAYQhRkkgZYVACvuH8vKORP9OypNehzE/edit#slide=id.p
Kevin and Chris gave their second presentation of Chlorine - a library to make GPU programming much asier. Last time they showed a fractal demo. This time they could not show their ray tracing demo
They plan to receive their software at the end of the semester/
Theo gave his second talk on Doktor - docking system with a new improved Logo. He gave a nice demo. His software is almost ready. He isplanning to ship out his software by the end of the semester.
Jonathan and Dana talked about their project on IBEIS - an image processing siftware to identifying wild animals for preservation. They are developing an easier interface so that the core of the software could e used by field workers. Their talk slides may be found here http://slides.com/jonathanwrona/ibeis#/
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