We are past the mid point of the semester. Raymond Jacobsen (Past RCOS member) Alex Freska (RCOS member) , Julius Alexander won Hack Uostate 2014 held in Syracuse University
This week on Tuesday(10/6/2014) we had the following presentations:
Unfortunately I was unable to listen to the last three talks (because of my freshman advising session)- On the other hand all the students have psoted their presentations and I was able to read and comprehend as much as I can.
1) Kevin Zheng - Lights Out http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ lights-out/
(Mentor Jim Boultier)
2) Kiana McNellis, Sam Seng, Jesse Freitas - HW Server
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ homework-server/ (Mentor Aaron Gunderson)
3) Branden Clark, Ze Qin, Toshi Piazza - Dynamorio
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ dr-memory/ (Mentor Joshua Makinen)
4) Ezra Dowd and Tahsin Loqman - RPI Walk
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ rpi-walk/ (Mentor Robert Rouhani)
5) Kevin O'Connor - PuckmanLabs
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ puckmanlabs/ (Mentor Kevi O'Connor -self
Lightsout project is a mobile application to remind drivers to turn of their car lights after they reached their destination. It sends email notifications. The android app is almost complete. IPhone App is in the implementation phase. He is planning to release the software at the end of the semester.
HW server is going in full swing. They are planning to release an api so that other classes can use this. They showed a nice demo of their current system. They are well on their way to complete this project if not this semester (hopefully by the end of this year).
Dynamorio (Dynamic Library Instrumentation Proram) is a project that has been going strong for the past two years. They have psoted their talk slides here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/110SA9KDOnI712bzJ8GLXMWSo6JewETaEGJlTmToeylw/edit#slide=id.p They are working on the heap stack for callback visualizations
RPI walk is progressing along very well.They are redesigning the UI and optimizations on the route - Final aim is to make the routes similar to google maps. Very well done project.
PuckmanLabs is to provide uniform APIS for various data manipulations. The goals are to have cataloged data sets, access control, lightweight support and community support. He has finished scrapper framewrk, Works and APIframework. he is yet to finish the first data set (and more tests), and wrapping the API and deploy. His talk slides are here http://slides.com/kevinoconnor7/urpiapi#/
As usual there were many interesting questions during meeting as well as off line.
On Friday (10/10/2014) we had the following presentations:
) Kienan Knight-Boehm - Parsing Wikipedia
2) Wyatt, Drake, John, Mason, Lavin - Aro CMS
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ aro-cms/ (Mentor Kevin O'Connor)
3) Robert Rouhani, Ariel Lee - SharpNav
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ sharpnav/ (Mentor Kevin Fung)
4) Nicholas Pitt - OpenLab http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ openlab/
(Mentor Aaron Gunderson)
5) Aesa Kamar, Elizabeth Dinella, Satoshi Masuura, Jake Mdogz -
MobaJoy http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ mobajoy1/ (Mentor Joshua Makinen)
Parsin Wikipedia is a fun project started to learn by doing (fusing the concepts of algorithms, parsing and data structures). He narrated his experiences of downloading incremental wikipedia files (huge) and how to edit/parse and getuseful information out of it. Finally he was able to take one wikipedia downloaded file and render it as a HTML file.
His talk slides are found here http://slides.com/kienankb/hitchhiking-wikipedia
His takeaway point is -Homeworks are not as fun as doing projects and getting frustarted with and finally succeeding.
He prefers Hackathons. I thought RCOS provides sucha forum - I could be wrong.
AroCMS is a new content management system written in javascript using mean stack (mongodb, express, angular and nodejs). It is simple, light weitght, usercentric, friendly UI and scalable. They have finished Plugin Recognition, Database binding, HTML compiler . They have to do plugin sandbox, implement ui and testing. Their talk slides are found here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_V3UKRVUnFeJOqTJAlZM0siUHkfg_ScD7uivfkhwqGw/edit#slide=id.g48cc14245_148 It si a big project and needs user base to succeed. Hope this project achieves its goals.
SharpNav is going in full swing.He has released a0.9 version - has some bugs need to iron out the inks. Make it more unity friendly. His system seems to fill a void in the gaming community.
OpenLab is moving along well. He is making a good progess and showed a demo. There are some interesting problem that still remain to be solved. He showed a demo too,
MobaJoy is a project with an added hardware to play the league of legends game. They are resolving multiple inputs (frommouse and the hand held devise) to process the requests. They are making steady progress,
All in all I learnt a lot form listening to these talks and the perceptive questions asked by the students.
This week on Tuesday(10/6/2014) we had the following presentations:
Unfortunately I was unable to listen to the last three talks (because of my freshman advising session)- On the other hand all the students have psoted their presentations and I was able to read and comprehend as much as I can.
1) Kevin Zheng - Lights Out http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
(Mentor Jim Boultier)
2) Kiana McNellis, Sam Seng, Jesse Freitas - HW Server
3) Branden Clark, Ze Qin, Toshi Piazza - Dynamorio
4) Ezra Dowd and Tahsin Loqman - RPI Walk
5) Kevin O'Connor - PuckmanLabs
Lightsout project is a mobile application to remind drivers to turn of their car lights after they reached their destination. It sends email notifications. The android app is almost complete. IPhone App is in the implementation phase. He is planning to release the software at the end of the semester.
HW server is going in full swing. They are planning to release an api so that other classes can use this. They showed a nice demo of their current system. They are well on their way to complete this project if not this semester (hopefully by the end of this year).
Dynamorio (Dynamic Library Instrumentation Proram) is a project that has been going strong for the past two years. They have psoted their talk slides here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/110SA9KDOnI712bzJ8GLXMWSo6JewETaEGJlTmToeylw/edit#slide=id.p They are working on the heap stack for callback visualizations
RPI walk is progressing along very well.They are redesigning the UI and optimizations on the route - Final aim is to make the routes similar to google maps. Very well done project.
PuckmanLabs is to provide uniform APIS for various data manipulations. The goals are to have cataloged data sets, access control, lightweight support and community support. He has finished scrapper framewrk, Works and APIframework. he is yet to finish the first data set (and more tests), and wrapping the API and deploy. His talk slides are here http://slides.com/kevinoconnor7/urpiapi#/
As usual there were many interesting questions during meeting as well as off line.
On Friday (10/10/2014) we had the following presentations:
) Kienan Knight-Boehm - Parsing Wikipedia
2) Wyatt, Drake, John, Mason, Lavin - Aro CMS
3) Robert Rouhani, Ariel Lee - SharpNav
4) Nicholas Pitt - OpenLab http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
(Mentor Aaron Gunderson)
5) Aesa Kamar, Elizabeth Dinella, Satoshi Masuura, Jake Mdogz -
MobaJoy http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
Parsin Wikipedia is a fun project started to learn by doing (fusing the concepts of algorithms, parsing and data structures). He narrated his experiences of downloading incremental wikipedia files (huge) and how to edit/parse and getuseful information out of it. Finally he was able to take one wikipedia downloaded file and render it as a HTML file.
His talk slides are found here http://slides.com/kienankb/hitchhiking-wikipedia
His takeaway point is -Homeworks are not as fun as doing projects and getting frustarted with and finally succeeding.
He prefers Hackathons. I thought RCOS provides sucha forum - I could be wrong.
AroCMS is a new content management system written in javascript using mean stack (mongodb, express, angular and nodejs). It is simple, light weitght, usercentric, friendly UI and scalable. They have finished Plugin Recognition, Database binding, HTML compiler . They have to do plugin sandbox, implement ui and testing. Their talk slides are found here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_V3UKRVUnFeJOqTJAlZM0siUHkfg_ScD7uivfkhwqGw/edit#slide=id.g48cc14245_148 It si a big project and needs user base to succeed. Hope this project achieves its goals.
SharpNav is going in full swing.He has released a0.9 version - has some bugs need to iron out the inks. Make it more unity friendly. His system seems to fill a void in the gaming community.
OpenLab is moving along well. He is making a good progess and showed a demo. There are some interesting problem that still remain to be solved. He showed a demo too,
MobaJoy is a project with an added hardware to play the league of legends game. They are resolving multiple inputs (frommouse and the hand held devise) to process the requests. They are making steady progress,
All in all I learnt a lot form listening to these talks and the perceptive questions asked by the students.
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