Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011:

The summer solstice is behind us - that means the days will be becoming shorter.But RCOS students are going in full steam. The students's talks are on the youtube channel. (Thanks to Riley Hamilton.)We have decided to watch one TED video a week after our regular talks to get further inspiration.

This week we had talks by

1) Dina Jacobsen on IdeaBank

2) Sean Austin on RCOSUIR

3) Peter Wakefield and Anthony Onwuasoanya on AutoScheduler

Dina is progressing well according to her schedule. She has built up a data model and demo of her basic system (IdeaBank) is almost there. She is also making her extensible to store pictures, audio of the ideas. She is currently exploring the visualization of ideas (like what time ideas originated etc). Her talk slides may be found here.

Sean is researching on the user interfaces and what makes user interfaces tick. He plans to write a summary of user interface research and what are some of the ideas behind these research. Sean plans to make a weather prototype for Android using his user interface research. His talk slides may be found here.

Peter and Anthony talked about a firefox plugin to do auto-scheduling of tasks. They plan to use SQLite data base and makes the scheduler. Their motivation came from their own desire not to procrastinate work. They are well on towards their goal. Their talk slides may be found here.

These lectures are followed by us watching an inspirational TED video by Sal Khan

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