We had a near perfect attendance last Friday - So we decided to take our group photo of our energetic summer rcos students. All of them are enthusiastic and energetic about open source efforts and have already started their projects. For the lack of Pizza during our last weeks meeting, the students had a special trehttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifat of cake!
Riley Hamilton has taken over the reins of video taping the talks! Thanks Riley.
We had talks by three groups. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
1)Matt McMullen, Jorel Lalicki - Adaptive Math Game Library http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/adaptive-game-math-library/
2) Lee Sharma and Reilly Hamilton on nexus (Downtown Business Improvement (HFOSS project)) http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/community-based-project-management-system/ -
3) Kenley Cheung - Concerto Motion http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/concerto-motion/
All of them have blogged about their projects. Not only all these three projects were near the top 3 in our competitive Dashboard!
Matt and Jorel have started their implementation. They have broken their project into a number of submodules and slowly chiseling away their project. Both of them gave a wonderful presentation. Their talk slides may be found here.
A g m_l
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Lee and Riley gave an excellent presentation. They are in the design of their system and they are talking with downtown team to chart out the design goals. They are planning to make their system more extendible. Lee and Riley did a good research on previous management systems for this task. Their talk slides may be found here:
Nexus presentation1
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Kenley presented Concerto Motion to make digital signage system (an earlier rcos/webtech project) more interactive using kinect. Kenley plans to make some modifications (different browser) to existing Concerto so that it is possible to test his kinect gesture software. Kenley also made a good research on existing open source gesture recognition software for kinect. Kenely's talk slides may be found here.
Concerto motionsummer2011week1
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Please try to attend our talks on Fridays ta noon (in Lally 104) and learn and share. You will thoroughly enjoy this out of the world experience.
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