Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011 - Talk Videos

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011 - Talk Videos

Thanks again to Reily Hamilton, we have the talk videos of all the three talks given during 5th week (6/24/2011).

1) Dina Jacobsen on IdeaBank

Here is a video of Dina's talk.

2) Sean Austin on RCOSUIR

Here is a video of Sean's talk.

3) Peter Wakefield and Anthony Onwuasoanya on AutoScheduler

Here is a video of Peter and Anthony's talk.

Their talk slides are available from my previous blog

RCOS students are doing an awesome job - Hope they continue to excel and their work/projects/code get appreciated more.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011

Week 5 (6/24/2011) Summer 2011:

The summer solstice is behind us - that means the days will be becoming shorter.But RCOS students are going in full steam. The students's talks are on the youtube channel. (Thanks to Riley Hamilton.)We have decided to watch one TED video a week after our regular talks to get further inspiration.

This week we had talks by

1) Dina Jacobsen on IdeaBank

2) Sean Austin on RCOSUIR

3) Peter Wakefield and Anthony Onwuasoanya on AutoScheduler

Dina is progressing well according to her schedule. She has built up a data model and demo of her basic system (IdeaBank) is almost there. She is also making her extensible to store pictures, audio of the ideas. She is currently exploring the visualization of ideas (like what time ideas originated etc). Her talk slides may be found here.

Sean is researching on the user interfaces and what makes user interfaces tick. He plans to write a summary of user interface research and what are some of the ideas behind these research. Sean plans to make a weather prototype for Android using his user interface research. His talk slides may be found here.

Peter and Anthony talked about a firefox plugin to do auto-scheduling of tasks. They plan to use SQLite data base and makes the scheduler. Their motivation came from their own desire not to procrastinate work. They are well on towards their goal. Their talk slides may be found here.

These lectures are followed by us watching an inspirational TED video by Sal Khan

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer 2011 Student presentation Videos

Summer 2011 Student presentation Videos

Thanks to Riley Hamilton (RCOS mentor for Summer 2011 and RPI TV), we have the you tube videos of all the talks. Here are the eight talks up to 4th week.

1) Lee Sharma and Riley Hamilton Nexus (Week 2)

2) Kenley Cheung Concerto in Motion (Week 2)

3) Matt McMullen and Jorel Lalicki Adaptive Game Math Library (Week 1)

4) Amy Wieliczka Concert (Week 3)

5) Ben Shippee and Jeffrey Farrell Observatory (Week 3)

6) Don Gillespie Mobile Studio for Linux (Week 3)

7) Geoffrey Wright RPI Planner (Week 4)

8) Zach Rowe Flagship Safety (Week 4)

9) Asher Glick and Gabe Malveaux Olympus (Week 4)

For details of the projects please look at

Some projects are red!
Some projects have smiley faces!

Week 4 (6/17/2011) Summer 2011

Week 4 (6/17/2011) Summer 2011

We are coasting along this semester. Three speakers seem to finish fast (experience so far) and Four speakers (experience last semester) take too long. If only I can get fractional speakers (such as 3.5 or 3.14159!), then we will be in good shape. Joking aside, we had three speakers thsi week. They were:

1) Geoffrey Wright - RPI Planner

2) Zach Rowe - Flagship Safety

3) Asher Glick and Gabe Malveaux Olympus

Geoffrey is continuing a project (planner) led by Eric Allen '10. Eric had done an excellent job to map RPI students to plan out their schedule for their entire study. Geoffrey plan to extend this to include plan of study (requirements for all departments), CAPP report, dual major, minor, co-terminal. Doing this will be mind boggling . Only experts like late Dr. Ingalls (CS department) can do this with ease. A computer aided system that Geoffrey proposes will be awesome. Luckily he is sitting on the shoulders of a giant (like Eric Allen)! The implementation language is Java. Geoffrey's talk slides may be found here:

Zach has been continuing the work of Brian Michalski on Flagship Geo. Zach is interested in campus safety (emergency call location and status) and crime reports. Zach is planning to work on visualization of crimes over a period time. This is an ideal HFOSS project - helping the community. His project si written on Ruby on Rails.
Zach's talk slides may be found here:

Asher and Gabe are working on ease of sever side management. They are using plugin architecture. They are AJAX, CSS, HTML 5, JQuery to accomplish this. They even showed a small demo with a server running from their apartment. I am looking forward to seeing more of their project. Asher and Gabe's talk slides may be found here in this link (need flash support)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 3 (6/10/2011) - Summer 2011

Week 3 (6/10/2011) Summer 2011

Summer RCOS sessions are coming along smoothly - Students are slowly getting to speed with their projects. To see what the students are up to please che out our dashboard: and

This weeks speakers include

1) Ben Shippee and Jeff Farrell - Observatory

2) Amy Wieliczka - Concert

3) Don Gillespie - Mobile Studio for Linux

Ben and Jeff have made considerable progress (forgetting password, archiving old projects, tracking, timeline of contribution) with observatory. Right now, they are doing their contributions on a separate branch. They plan to merge when things are more stable. Their talk slides may be found here.

Next Amy talked out her work with GUI on Concert - web-based application for collaboratively organizing audio. She has a mock up of her user interface - She is doing most of her coding in Javascript. Her talk slides may be found here.

Finally Don talked about making mobile studio work under linux systems. Don has to write kernel level software (writing device drivers) and he has been up to the challenges they pose. Don is building on the existing (partially developed) software for this. His talk slides may be found here:

All in all the students presented their talks well. I wish there were more questions from students attending these talks (to make the talks lively and interesting) - I am sure that my wish will be granted in future!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 2 (6/3/2011) Summer 2011

Week 2 (6/3/2011) Summer 2011

We had a near perfect attendance last Friday - So we decided to take our group photo of our energetic summer rcos students. All of them are enthusiastic and energetic about open source efforts and have already started their projects. For the lack of Pizza during our last weeks meeting, the students had a special tre of cake!

Riley Hamilton has taken over the reins of video taping the talks! Thanks Riley.

We had talks by three groups.

1)Matt McMullen, Jorel Lalicki - Adaptive Math Game Library

2) Lee Sharma and Reilly Hamilton on nexus (Downtown Business Improvement (HFOSS project)) -

3) Kenley Cheung - Concerto Motion

All of them have blogged about their projects. Not only all these three projects were near the top 3 in our competitive Dashboard!

Matt and Jorel have started their implementation. They have broken their project into a number of submodules and slowly chiseling away their project. Both of them gave a wonderful presentation. Their talk slides may be found here.

Lee and Riley gave an excellent presentation. They are in the design of their system and they are talking with downtown team to chart out the design goals. They are planning to make their system more extendible. Lee and Riley did a good research on previous management systems for this task. Their talk slides may be found here:

Kenley presented Concerto Motion to make digital signage system (an earlier rcos/webtech project) more interactive using kinect. Kenley plans to make some modifications (different browser) to existing Concerto so that it is possible to test his kinect gesture software. Kenley also made a good research on existing open source gesture recognition software for kinect. Kenely's talk slides may be found here.

Please try to attend our talks on Fridays ta noon (in Lally 104) and learn and share. You will thoroughly enjoy this out of the world experience.