Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 14 (5/6/2011) Spring Semester 2011

Week 14 (5/6/2011) Spring Semester

This week was the last week of students' presentations. We have the following four student presentations.

1) Dan Nichols -on Graph-Based Cryptographic Hash Functions (Dan (BS
in Math class of 2011) wrote a bachelor's paper/thesis with me durig
Fall 2010)

2) Tom Buttner- LaForge http:

3)Deon Robinson - Android Gaming Project

4)Jon Skurka- PyChess Learning Module

Dan Nichols (Math) gave a fine talk on the inadequacy of using Hamiltonian Cycles as Hash functions (by using permutations and adding random edges). He showed how Hamiltonian Cycles can easily (he used an implementation which could detect such cycles using the ideas of Bollabas and Frieze and implementation of Nivasch)

His talk slides may be found here

Next, we had a talk by Tom Buttner. His automatic playlists extraction for Radio stations (and operators) is almost working (He has some difficulties with the library he is using and the requirements of those libraries are a bit hard to come by).

Tom's talk slides may be found here:

Deon Robinson has been creating tutorials (documentations and sample games) for Android Game Engine Deon's documentations and tutorials have already been used by a number of people. His games also provide a good tutorial on the various features of Android Game Engine. Deon's next tutorial game utilizes physics features of the gaming engine. Deon's talk slides may be found in his blog.

Final talk is by Jon Skurka on his modules for pyChess. He changed his project midway through the semester and he is the lone student working on this project. As a result, he is slowly catching up. His plans are to make tutorial module and a puzzle module. (pyChess program itself is undergoing some structural changes) Jon's talk slides may be found here:

Reflecting on the whole semester, I may have done more than my share of mistakes. As RCOS expands and matures more problems arise. I have not been successful in meeting one of the goals of RCOS (to make the center self sustaining.) I feel like a failure and I do not want to pass on my failures to RCOS.

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