Week 13 (4/29/2011) Spring 2011
It was a glorious spring Friday, a picture perfect day at Troy as shown by the above photo. It was also the royal wedding day (I had to decline my invitation so that I have to attend more important event - to attend RCOS meeting!)

It was also a pay day to boot. With this introduction, we had a wonderful set of talks.
1) Prof. Jason Kuruzovich talked about his project of contributing to Open Source Learning Management Systems. Prof. Jason K has a grand vision of incorporating syllabus sharing and LMS. He has already started a small group and he is looking for more participation from students (RCOS or otherwise). It is a great boon for RCOS to be involved. Please contact him if you are interested. His talk slides may be found here. There was a very good feedback.
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2) Next we had the talk by Brendon, Alex, Austin and Umesh on their mobile shuttle tracker project. They had a lot of feedback after posting in reddit, and accepted days event. Their IPhone and Android applications are also getting downloaded. They have incorporated a lot of improvements Students have many comments too. Their talk slides may be found here.
Mobile shuttle tracker final
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3) Jarret Cruger talked about his fit bot project. Jarret had designed data model. His calendering design received a lot of comments and suggestions for improvement. Jarret had a lot to learn about IPhone. So he plans to continue this over summer and get his software released in early fall. His talk slides may be found here.
Fit botpresentation2
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4) Evan Minto talked about his smart guitar project. He is implementing in C++ and Qt. He has made a very good progress and he is planning to release his software by the beginning of summer. There was again a number of very good suggestions (improvements) by the students. His talk slides may be found here,
Smart guitar chords (2)
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5) Finally Jeff Warren talked about his cervitar project (cervical cancer annotation tool). Jeff had made a number of improvements to make the annotation faster and more efficient. Jeff's slides may be found here.
Cervitor presentation v4
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It was indeed a glorious Spring Friday and it was worth every minute/second - Thank god I declined my invitation to attend royal wedding! :)
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