Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 2 Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 and 9/5/2014)

Week 2 Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 and 9/5/2014)

We had two meetings this week. On Tuesday after three more elevator pitch presentations,  students were choosing the projects to work on and the mentors were choosing which projects to mentor Robert and Jorel, lead mentors, co-ordinated the whole effort. Dr. David Goldschmidt talked about which forms to fill and what are the credit restrictions.

On friday we collected the URP applications and the various other forms. We had four presentations.

  1. Severin Ibarluzea on Creating packages with
  2. Ezra Dowd and Tahsin Loqman on RPI Walk
  3. Justin Etzine & Nick Thomson on pymap - project from NRB Hackathon
  4. Jorel Lalicki and Eric Oswald on Adaptable Automative Sensor Log

Severin gave a demo and talk on his creating packages with He showed me a creating a package called misspel using - using coffeescript - It was very nicely presented. I wish he post his slides.

Ezra and Tahsin talked about RPI Walk their summer project. They made the project for Android, the route planning is working. They even showed a demo. They are planning to release their code at the end of the semester.

Justin Etzine & Nick Thomson talked about their NRB hackathon project on campus python clickable map They were able to create a simple map for rpi (with clickable information about buildings). Their mentors (at NRB) is  a RCOS student. Both these freshmen are planning to work on RCOS projects this semester.

Jorel and Eric talked about their Adaptable Automative sensor. This project is to be used by SAE for their car - logging various sensors data. They havedesigned the chips - They are planning to make an inexpensive (and open) hardware. 
All the talks were well received and there were many interesting questions.

On Saturday, we had Rensselaer Medalists visit RPI. RCOS students (Severin , Aaron and Aesa ) answered  many questions. They gave theor perspective on RCOS and how it augments their RPI Education Their photographs are at the top of this blog. Jorel's kisckstarter kit is providing the illumination.  The bottom two photographs show the attentive medalists and their parents to discussions about RCOS.

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