Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 6 (9/23/2014) and (9/26/2014) Fall Semester

We had two meetings this week - on Tuesday and on Friday. Despite the students being busy with their first exams and career fair, we had a good round of talks and a good set of presentations.

On Tuesday (9/23/2014) we had three talks

1) Dave Vorick - Start up Expereince
2) Huiye, Xitu, Xinchi, Wei, Yiding, Peiyang - ShengGuanTu
3) Jake Lowey - IntUI-Scrape -

On Friday (9/26/2014) we had five talks

1)Browne - Docktor (For OS X)
2) Dennis Fogerty, Austin Gulati - Whats that Sample -  (self mentored!?)
3) Kevin Fung, Chris Brenon - Chlorine 
4) Sensen, Aaron, Sam, Amartrya, Shinya - RPI Clubs and Activites

5) Jorel Lalicki    URL redirection/enhancing

Dave Vorick '14 gave an interesting talk based on his expereinces of building his startup - the ups and downs. He also talked about the technical issues (currency for distributed strogae). He talked both about theory (Byzantine protocols and cryptology) as well as the software aspects of them. His talk was very well received by the students after many interesting question/answer exchanges .

Jack Lowey talked about having a GUI to scrape information from websites. His aim is to scrape reddit, car sales and targeted sites.  He is making a steady progress (He is using python to scrape sites). The students advise not to scrape sites with no crawl in robots.txt. 

Huiye, Xitu, Xinchi, Wei, Yiding, Peiyang talked  about ShenGuanTu. The team has increased from last summer. But they have broken their group into people doing subtasks. Each of the group members talked about their contribution. Their talk looked impressive. They sowed a youtue version of their game steps. They are advised to integrate the different groups contibution into the main game earlier otherwise it may be difficult to do that later on.

On Friday, we had five talks.
Theo started giving the current status of his Docktor project for Macs. He has completed many aspects of that project.  He also plans to release a version for IPad. He is als planning to make it work under apples newest operating system.

Dennis and Austin arr working an android app to recignize the music that is being played and provide further information. It amounts to samling the music and comparing with a dictionary of music.  They have started and have a mock up diagram for their app.

Kevin and Chris talked about their near complete Chlorine system. It is an easy to prototype parallel programs using their system for graphics processors. It is written in opencl. They showed how to create parallel programs on the fly. They also demoed with writng a fractal program ad showed the speed up. It was awesome. This system is already used in Naval Ressearch Center (where Kevin worked as an intern).

Sensen, Aaron, Sam, Amartrya, Shinya talked about a website for clubs and activities. Their presentation detailed what the group was doing each week. (I really liked seeing them - It gives me a clear picture of their efforts). They have a website dedicated to their project. Their login system is almost working. Next task is to get the meeting times and events They also want to incorporate social aspect to their system (There was a pertinent question why some one would prefer this to a facebook group - They had an answer and I could not hear their answer properly - my only rationale it is a stand alone works even without a facebook account). There are a couple of useful suggestions about using other existing libraries to make their task easier.

Jorel gave a fascinating talk about URL enhancer/redirector. Unlike url shortneer, it enhances it (makes it bigger!). He has implemented using PHP. He gave a cool demo of this system 

His presentation can be found here and his repo can be found . People interested in contributing to this project may contact 

Google groups!topic/rcos-at-rensselaer/s-7kT7C_Y3Q

On the whole, it was a very good week - I thoroughly enjoyed all the presentations. I also get to meet some of our distinguished alumni who dropped on our Friday meeting.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 4 ( Week of 15th September) Fall Semester 2014

We had a group photo taken on Tuesday a well as the photo of the mentors (see at the bottom of thi blog). As you can see from the photo, the group has grown by leaps and bounds.  Alo Jorel made sure that all the students had mentors and all the projects appear on the dashboard. Robert made sure that the remaining projects with no mentors have been taken care. The attendence during Tuesday wasrather strong (most students showed) - however the attendence during the Friday session was rather sparse (I do not know why).

On Tueday (9/16/2014) we had two talks:
1) Aaron Gunderson- Whiteboard
2) Jim Boulter, Josh Makinen, and  Justin Etzine MeNext

On  Friday (9/19/2014) we had two more talks

1) Paul Revere, Emmett Hitz - Vest

2) Gabe Perez (WebTech) - WebTech Projects and Flagship

The white board group has become a group of six. So they have split the work . Some are working on the back end, some are working on the mobile version and some are working on cheduling and the front end. Aaron alo showed a demo of his project/. This project looks quite promising. Their presentation elicited a lot of questions and suggestions.

Jim, Josh and Jutine talked about their project MeNext - video/song selection . They have implemented IPhone version and a web version (Android version is also on the works). They demoed a version of their system. MeNext is also a promiing project (they have scheduled to release it during November Hackathon at RPI). Their presentation also aroused a number of questions and suggestions.

On Friday we have two presentations. 

Paul presnted his project on Vest (emmett was absent). They are planning to scrape friends of victins. They are testug the hypothesis that friends of victims are more probable victims (froma theory proposed by an Yale Psychologist). They are planing to construct a database and then construct a graph.  They are planning to use Python and C++/ They are not planning to use Django as it is not a web-based systm.

Gabe talked about his project of Flagship project (and the changing of Concerto version 1 to Concerto version 2) -- Both of them are based on Ruby on Rails. He also talked about other WebTech Projects, myrpi, shuttle trackeer concerto and Rules and Elections website. Gabe gave a demo of all the systems. It was a very fine presentation..

All in all it was a week well worth spent listening to these talks and learning from them. Her e is a group photo of the mentors.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 3 (week of 8th Septmber 2014) Fall 2014

With the forms submitted, RCOS picking up momentum.
We had these talks this week (both on Tuesday and Friday)

Tuesday Talks
Colin Rice '14 (Google) Mesh Networks
Rocco Del Priore - RPIMobile
Peter Piech - RPIMobil
Ramsey, Damian - GrapeFruit

Friday Talks
1)Charlie Machalow - cDashboard

2)Josh Goldberg - Bookswap

3) Noelle Todd and Christina Hammer Food Pantry  Client Database

4)Ji Woong Baek - Sodexo Menu Parser and RPIMobile

On Tuesday, Colin Rice '14 (and RCOS alumni) came to RPI campus (part of google team) and gave a talk about Mesh network ( an efficient algorithm got communication)  He gave a succint tutorial  on meshnetworks ans different routing algorithms. he even gave a demo of a simple mesh network using his algorith, (Colin had implemented the code for the demo in Go)

Rocco talked about the problem he has been facing on releasing RPI mobile in the app store. Besides getting license for RCOS from Apple (some permissions are pending), server where the data is stored is also down. There are other UI issues and RPI shuttle app needs some fixing. Hopefully this app wiill hit the appstore.

Peter talked about RPIMobile. He has placed the latest version  has been downloaded around 200 times. There is much ore work to be done on this app too. From his blog post, it looks like there was a bug reported by RCOS alumni.

Damien and ramsey talked about the current state of grapefruit site. It has been used by at least three faculty members. Based on the feedback they were planning to improve the system. they have a number of developers lined up.

On Friday we had four talks (two of them are past projects - one in summer and one in last Spring).
Charlie talked about his current status of the cDashBoard. He mentioned about the number of bug fixes.
His cDashboard is running on Windows 8.

Josh gave a summary of his Spring RCOS project bookswap. He and another were the principal (among a team of 8 - many did not do any work) architects of bookswap. Josh and his friend used PHP templating and developed a fast display of pages The mobile version still needs work More importantly, he lamented the lack of usage of his system. (Josh's interests have changed since this project and he is not actively working on it) Hope some of the RCOS students take up and make this system usable not only to RPI but other uiversities too.

Noelle and Christina talked about their Client Side Food Pantry Data Base project. They have implemnted their project using python, intertk, sqlite. More importantly they have recieved feedback from the church which was planning to use their system They have modified their interface accordingly. Their system is going tobe used food pantry in a local church from the end of September 2014.

Finally  Ji Woong talked about sodexo menu parser - part of RPI Android project. He has used JSON and made his code more compact and more efficient. He showed the improvement in times to load the menus. One of the problems he encounters is the speeling errors associated with dates and menus. (He was going to use the string edit algorithm - with thanks to Dave Goldschmidt for his explanation in Intro to Algorithms).

Finally Jorel made sure that every project had a mentor. David Goldschmidt is coming with policies for the smmoth(er) running of RCOS.  I am confident that we will have an excellent semester

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 2 Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 and 9/5/2014)

Week 2 Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 and 9/5/2014)

We had two meetings this week. On Tuesday after three more elevator pitch presentations,  students were choosing the projects to work on and the mentors were choosing which projects to mentor Robert and Jorel, lead mentors, co-ordinated the whole effort. Dr. David Goldschmidt talked about which forms to fill and what are the credit restrictions.

On friday we collected the URP applications and the various other forms. We had four presentations.

  1. Severin Ibarluzea on Creating packages with
  2. Ezra Dowd and Tahsin Loqman on RPI Walk
  3. Justin Etzine & Nick Thomson on pymap - project from NRB Hackathon
  4. Jorel Lalicki and Eric Oswald on Adaptable Automative Sensor Log

Severin gave a demo and talk on his creating packages with He showed me a creating a package called misspel using - using coffeescript - It was very nicely presented. I wish he post his slides.

Ezra and Tahsin talked about RPI Walk their summer project. They made the project for Android, the route planning is working. They even showed a demo. They are planning to release their code at the end of the semester.

Justin Etzine & Nick Thomson talked about their NRB hackathon project on campus python clickable map They were able to create a simple map for rpi (with clickable information about buildings). Their mentors (at NRB) is  a RCOS student. Both these freshmen are planning to work on RCOS projects this semester.

Jorel and Eric talked about their Adaptable Automative sensor. This project is to be used by SAE for their car - logging various sensors data. They havedesigned the chips - They are planning to make an inexpensive (and open) hardware. 
All the talks were well received and there were many interesting questions.

On Saturday, we had Rensselaer Medalists visit RPI. RCOS students (Severin , Aaron and Aesa ) answered  many questions. They gave theor perspective on RCOS and how it augments their RPI Education Their photographs are at the top of this blog. Jorel's kisckstarter kit is providing the illumination.  The bottom two photographs show the attentive medalists and their parents to discussions about RCOS.