Week 7 (7/1/2014) Summer 2014
Despite this week being the July 4th week(end), our meeting room AE 214 was nearly full with expectant and eager students.
This week we had seven(!) talks. The following groups presented their projects.
The following group will present their projects.
1) Qinglong Kong, Nanyu Zeng, Yang Wang, Tianbo Xie - Window Cleaning Robot http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ clear-glass-project/ (mentor Jorel Lalicki)
1) Qinglong Kong, Nanyu Zeng, Yang Wang, Tianbo Xie - Window Cleaning Robot http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
2) Charles Machalow - cDashboard http://rcos.rpi. edu/projects/cdashboard/
(mentor Robert Rouhani)
3) Liam Moynihan - LED Color Control http://rcos.rpi.edu/ projects/led-color-control/ (mentor Moorthy )
4) Eric Mattson, Aesa Kamar, James Lee - CardSharp http://rcos.rpi. edu/projects/cardsharp/ ( mentor Robert Rouhani)
5) Tracy Marholin - Music Theory RPG http://rcos.rpi.edu/ projects/music-theory-rpg/ (mentor - granfathered class - still willl like to have a mentor as some one to talk to ) Robert Rouhani
6) Peter Kang and Kevin Andrade - AskRPI http://rcos.rpi.edu/
(mentor Connor Ameres)
Qinglong, Nanyum Yang and Tianho talked about their window cleaning robot. This is an open hardware project. They have a prototype model o ftheir robot and showed a little demo. It uses suction (hydraulic) and two directional beam for moving. Uses sponges for cleaning. They showed their detailed design (cad model). They are trying to get a more powerful servo motor for suction and movements. Very nice pesentation over all and students had a number of suggestions. Their slides may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/s/th04ayshohsmq3y/Presentation1.pptx
Charles has been continuing withhis cDashboard project. in C# . He has made many nifty improvements to his dashboard, proper tiling, a stop watch and a scalable pic viewer. He has also fixed a number of bugs and made his system more stable. Students had a number of feature requestis to his system. His talk slides amy be found ere https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2UFEZRUC23dTXN1dENYRkxxQThxSUNfZDB5Z1BLUkxrY2U4/edit
Liam talked about his LED color control project. He is coding his project in matlab. The idea is given a set of LED's and the color output one desires, what should be the best possible mixing of colors. Liam has buid a nice GUI in latlab. He showed a demo of his project. This project is done jointly with Lighting Research Center. Sine he was looking for a mentor, I have volunteered to be a mentor.
Eric, Aesa and James presnted their progress in CardSharp. They are coding in C++. Gist is that they are calculating the conditional probabilities of winning (using enumeration) with the present card deck. They have made some progress with implementation. They want to send a text message about the probabilities. One student suggested using google glass to compute the probabilities. Their talk slides amy be found here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2UFEZRUC23dbjVDWXh1T2NPVHV5RWpCd2xzR1p6Yno5TW5R/edit .
Tracy presented her progress on MusicTheory RPG. She is coding it in PyGames. She gave a demo of a previous version of a girl walking around a tree in a meadow. The girl is able to understand the scenary and walk accordingly. Tracy's plan is to incorporate music notes in the scenary and the game is to ensure that the player understands music theory so that she can win/play the game effectively.
Peter and Kevin talked about AskRPI - a web interface where the students and faculty members can interact with both academic and nonacdeic questions. It will be like consolidating Reddit and Quora features. They had a mock up. They want to include search facility (based on tags). They even had a mock up. This web application is built on Ruby on Rails.
Finally Parker talked about his progress on his project TextDump.nHis projects aim is to develo a simple mechanism for trasfer of files between two computers/virtual machines. He has (almost) a prototype working transfering simle textfiles between two systems He is coding his project in C++. There were interesting suggestions and questions from students.
All in all, very interesting talks and I learnt a lo of new and cool technology, how to convey your ideas and how to present effectively. I also learnt how to listen and how to ask questions and how to provide suggestions.
All in all very interesting week,
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