Week 7 (3/5/2013) Spring 2013
We are at the midpoint of the semester - The projects are coming along well. There has been code/blog updates despite homeworks/projects/tests. We had six talks this week.
1) Bharath Santosh, Dimitri Dimitrov, Benjamin Caulfield, and Tim Slowikowski Peirce Logic http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/peirce-logic/
2) Bharath Santosh,and Diogo Moitinho de Almeidad ProtoML http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/protoml/
3) Timothy McMullen - Awesome Wav http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/awesome-wav/
4) Vera Axelrod and Andrew Karmani Yet another exam scheduler (YAExs) http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/yet-another-exam-scheduler-yaexs/
5) Deon Robinson FastAPI http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/freakapi/
6) Asher Glick, Jerome Schneider, Elizabeth Towns, Andrew Karmani, Avi Weinstock - BriefCase http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/briefcase/
Bharath, Dimitiri, Benjamin and Tim talked about their progress in Peirce Logic Proof system. This project has been progressing along They even showed a demo. They are also planning tutorial as well as several example proofs.
Next Bharath and Diogo talked about their protoML library. They have been making fantastic progress. They also showed a demo of their project. More than that they (along with Deon and Zachary)gave their impressive performance in http://www.kaggle.com/competitions Kaggle Competitions.
Timothy has been progressing making Awesome Wav parallel. In the process he has also removed as many bugs as he can. He us using pthread libraries and parallelizing I/O file operations. He showed a demo and hopes to collect metrics on speed up due to parallelization.
Vera and Andrew talked about yet another exam scheduler. They are using integer programming (open source) solver and use a warm up start (since the solution may take several hours). They also have a front end where department administrators can interact with the system. They are working on the permission setup and a fine tuning the bac-kend.
Deon talked about his FastAPI to recognize images taken from android phone. He is using open source image recognition algorithms for obtaining features of images.. His system compares with millions of stored images and comes up with answers an scores of their answers. He showed a small demo of his system.
Finally Asher and Beth (and Avi) talked about their Briefcase project. They have made substantial progress with their system. Multiple edits work (currently for their spreadsheet). They are releasing an API to be used with other file sharing systems. They are also working on documentations and commenting the code.
I learn a lot from the question answering sessions (from the perceptive questions and suggestions from the students stretch ones realize/appreciate different facets). Nice evening well spent and as usual my horizon has expanded. (The way my horizon is expanding I may go to different galaxy soon! :) )
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