Week 12 (11/20/2012) Fall 2012
With the thanksgiving week around the corner, many students had gone home. With the help of Christian I tried to stream the talks using google hang out - The idea was good - but the audio was not great. Above is a proof (Shawn is giving his talk) my attempt to stream the video.
The following students presented their talks.
3) Zach Clapper Penguin Electronics Inventory Management System
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ penguin-electronics-inventory- management-system/
4) Jorel Lalicki - PILED, Corsair,
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ in-depth-tutorial-of-embedded- electronics-using-the-ti-msp- launchpad/
http://www.kickstarter.com/ projects/2113011562/ programmable-intelligent-led- development-system-pi..
5) Jeremy Schneider - Rock Scissors Paper - learning game https://github.com/schnej7/RockPaperScissors
4) Jorel Lalicki - PILED, Corsair,
5) Jeremy Schneider - Rock Scissors Paper - learning game https://github.com/schnej7/RockPaperScissors
Shwan gave a talk outlining the progress. His reverse engineering is going well. Brendan is learning the ropes - learning how to deassemble the code.
Alex and Brian talked about the progress of Flowur - their flowchart program. But for the edge connections to block everything else is going smoothly - They have a few templates. They hope to release a version before the calendar year end.
Zach is continuing his project on Penguin electornics Management System. Zach is working on Javascript front end and it has been going well. He hopes to have a version readyby the end of the academic year.
Jorel was successful in getting his kickstarter project funded. he plans to get the board fabricated and ship out the product by February. Jorel and Tim are making the tutorial for TILaunchpad. Jorel talked about his Corsair project. He is planning to use node.s and his initial design and partial implementation is completed. Jorel is ambitious and he wants to have corsair deployed before Spring semester.
Jerry talked about his learning program to play rock paper scissor game. He has developed many schemes and he is currently ranked 7th. He talked about various strategies he has employed. As I write this blog I read an article in http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/24/science/scientists-see-advances-in-deep-learning-a-part-of-artificial-intelligence.html todays newyork times about the importance of deep learning!
Even though there were not that many students attending the talk(rightly so), I greatly enjoyed the talks and the ensuing discussions.
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