Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 6 (10/12/12) Fall 2012

Week 6 (10/12/12) Fall 2012
RCOS students on Open CS Day (10/13/12)

With a compressed week of 4 days (because of Columbus Day weekend), RCOS students accomplished in 4 days what could be accomplished in 5 days!. Please see RCOS students in Open house here

We had a great set of talks presented this week.

1) Jorel Lalicki (actually a short presentation... makerfaire etc.) MakerFaire Trip report

Jorel gave a presentation about his experiences in Maker Faire - Jorel had a great time and his project attracted around 500 visitors (including open hardware people, TI engineers and Startup firms). 

2) Beth Werbaneth Kinect Gesture Library

Beth's project is to build kinect library for motion sensing. Her project is coming along. Here is her youtube presentation

3) Bharath Santosh and Dimitry Dimitrov Peirce Logic

Bharat gave a status update of his project - a simple system to learn propositional logic. The only operator is the cut operator. Using the operator, one can build any propositional logic expression. He has completed three of the four macro level constructs. Dimitri is working on GUI and Bharat is working on the backend - He is using javascript as an implementation language with rafael.js 
Bharat demoed his system.  There were interesting questions and suggestions from the participants.

4) Nick Pachulski Food Friend 

Nick is making an IPhone and IPad application for buying groceries with limited budgets. Final goal is to make his system usable by fraternities. Nick is using Ruby on Rails. Nick has been making a steady progress. Since this is a large project, Nick may want to have some milestones for his own good.

5) Colin Rice bitHopper

Colin has been working on bitcoin. He has making substantial progress - currently his project involves pool jumping.

6) Shawn Denbow and Brendan Clark Dr. Memory

Shawn and Brendan (freshman) are going strong with Dr. Memory. Shawn has already added many 64 DLL calls to Dr. memory.  Brendan is catching up with understanding Dr. memory.

7) Brendan Ashby - pLANer - Re-factored DB and GUI code. :)

Brendan is concentrating on GUI and the data base. Brendan has made very good progress. Since he is the lone person working on his project.  he is restricting the scope the project. Brendan also showed a demo of his project.

Again I learned a lot from the students' presentations and questions and suggestions. 

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