Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 1 Fall 2012 (9/3/2012)

Week 1 Fall 2012 (9/3/2012)

Eager to Code, Eager to Share and Eager to Help - Fall 2012

Actually this is the second week of the semester - we are still ironing out the meeting, project submissions and a lot of other details. Dr. David Goldschmidt will be joining as an expert adviser. Welcome David G! As usual we have a wonderful group of volunteers/mentors to help out. For the rest of this semester, we will be meeting in AE 216. If luck will have it, RCOS may have space - let us keep our fingers crossed!

We had three talks.

1. Jerry Schneider talked about his emulator project. Jerry has become an expert in web development/webapps after his summer internship.  He has implemented a chip 8 simulator using javascript and HTML5 (with CSS) (his other goal is to simulate Atari 2600).  He has implemented a number of games and other rcos-ists have contributed his project. he showed a demo and it looked awesome. Jerry also plans to continue with his BlueMesh project. 

2. Asher Glick talked about his BriefCase - Asher is going for a big push with BriefCase - His project has attracted a number of students.  His ambition include code editor and presentation maker. All of them come with distributed editing. He has moved his git repo to a common place.

3. Jorel talked about his project with TILaunchpad He is closed to getting a kick started campaign. He and Tim are going to go to New York City for the maker faire - They are having a booth with their  LaunchPad (hopefully coinciding with their kick started campaign).  Jorel gave an illuminating demo with LED and remotely controlled (pun intended).

We have an enthusiastic group and hope their enthusiasm turns into useful software/hardware projects.

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