Week 4 (9/25/2012) Fall 2012
We had a very successful Hackathon on Saturday (9/22/2012) - For photos please see here
(Thanks to Asher Glick for organizing it) With the result of a hackathon,the students made a fantastic progress as shown by the above snapshot ( 21 of the 26 projects updated!)
We had four talks this week,
1) Damian Mastylo, Austin Gulati, Chris Celi The Collegiate
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ the-collegiate/
This group of freshmen talked about the collegiate where they are creating an Android App for
aggregating all the information needed for freshmean (including the schedule of classes, labs, when homeworks are due, when the exams are, when should they prepare for the exams, do the home works etc). They have made good progress with a few of these things already implemented (thanks to Hackathon as posted in their blog http://codequarry.net/2012/09/25/the-collegiate-gatorade-fueled-progress/ ). There were lively questions answer sessions afterwards and a lot of suggestions were given by upperclassmen.
2) Ken Zalewski '89 '91 Open Source in NY senate/Government
Next we had a talk from our alumni Ken Who works in the NY Senate dotCIo office in making the government transparent. As per his recollections, his talk included: discussing some of their open source projects at the New York State Senate, including their Drupal-based website (NYSenate.gov), their Constituent Relationship Management system (based on CiviCRM.org), and their Java/Tomcat projects, which include OpenLegislation, SAGE (Senate Address Geocoding Engine), and BillBuzz.
There were lively questions from eager students which range from eliminating middle men and people utilizing the transparent form of government. It is worth mentioning (Thanks to Colin Sullivan '11) a TED video where Graylin Kim '11's work in the NYSenate and NYSenate work were mentioned in a TED talk (at 14:06 mark) in
http://www.ted.com/talks/clay_ shirky_how_the_internet_will_ one_day_transform_government. html
3) Thomas Chestna Scrutiny http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ scrutiny/
Next Tom talked about his plagiarism detection software called Scrutiny. Tom started working on this project (mentored and originally started by Rob Escriva '10) summer of 2011. Tom has made a fantastic progress and he is cleaning up the code and planning to conduct more tests. From the students attending the meeting, it looks like CS 2 may be utilizing his software for plagiarism detection software (among scrutiny's advantages include it being open source, setting up the threshold, and looking at the structure of the code than looking at the lexical level).
4. Christian Johnson, Dan Kimball, Mike Horowitz RPIDirectoryApp
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ rpi-directory-app/
Finally Christian, Dan and Mike talked about improving their RPI Directory app to include all names, hosting in a non-cloud table (key value pairs) and bring the statistics page. They are also planning to do additional information about the names (with the consent of the person). As we were running past 5:15 pm at this time, there were fewer questions. Many students talked to this group after the meeting.
All in all, it is a fantastic meeting, well presented talks and more importantly, RCOS students were willing to share their ideas and suggestions.
We had a very successful Hackathon on Saturday (9/22/2012) - For photos please see here
(Thanks to Asher Glick for organizing it) With the result of a hackathon,the students made a fantastic progress as shown by the above snapshot ( 21 of the 26 projects updated!)
We had four talks this week,
1) Damian Mastylo, Austin Gulati, Chris Celi The Collegiate
This group of freshmen talked about the collegiate where they are creating an Android App for
aggregating all the information needed for freshmean (including the schedule of classes, labs, when homeworks are due, when the exams are, when should they prepare for the exams, do the home works etc). They have made good progress with a few of these things already implemented (thanks to Hackathon as posted in their blog http://codequarry.net/2012/09/25/the-collegiate-gatorade-fueled-progress/ ). There were lively questions answer sessions afterwards and a lot of suggestions were given by upperclassmen.
2) Ken Zalewski '89 '91 Open Source in NY senate/Government
Next we had a talk from our alumni Ken Who works in the NY Senate dotCIo office in making the government transparent. As per his recollections, his talk included: discussing some of their open source projects at the New York State Senate, including their Drupal-based website (NYSenate.gov), their Constituent Relationship Management system (based on CiviCRM.org), and their Java/Tomcat projects, which include OpenLegislation, SAGE (Senate Address Geocoding Engine), and BillBuzz.
There were lively questions from eager students which range from eliminating middle men and people utilizing the transparent form of government. It is worth mentioning (Thanks to Colin Sullivan '11) a TED video where Graylin Kim '11's work in the NYSenate and NYSenate work were mentioned in a TED talk (at 14:06 mark) in
3) Thomas Chestna Scrutiny http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
Next Tom talked about his plagiarism detection software called Scrutiny. Tom started working on this project (mentored and originally started by Rob Escriva '10) summer of 2011. Tom has made a fantastic progress and he is cleaning up the code and planning to conduct more tests. From the students attending the meeting, it looks like CS 2 may be utilizing his software for plagiarism detection software (among scrutiny's advantages include it being open source, setting up the threshold, and looking at the structure of the code than looking at the lexical level).
4. Christian Johnson, Dan Kimball, Mike Horowitz RPIDirectoryApp
Finally Christian, Dan and Mike talked about improving their RPI Directory app to include all names, hosting in a non-cloud table (key value pairs) and bring the statistics page. They are also planning to do additional information about the names (with the consent of the person). As we were running past 5:15 pm at this time, there were fewer questions. Many students talked to this group after the meeting.
All in all, it is a fantastic meeting, well presented talks and more importantly, RCOS students were willing to share their ideas and suggestions.