Week 3 (6/8/2012) Summer 2012
Amelia has been continuing her work on the circuit simulation. She has done a reasonable study of the existing open software solutions and their limitations. She is doing both the front end ( GUI ) as well as the backend of simulation. She is using Open GL for the GUI and C++ for the back end. She has more or less completed the backend for digital gates and she is concentrating on the GUI for the digital circuits. Once completed, she will move on Flip Flops and analog circuits. She has taken a big project and she is confident she can compete most of it (Since the entire project was started so that she can use a better circuit simulation and lay out tool, she has an incentive to finish it).
Tom C and Jorel talked about how to use their project on making educational tools on how to use inexpensive TI launchpad Their project caught the attention of http://www.43oh.com/ and their project was featured here http://www.43oh.com/2012/06/rpis-embedded-control-course-with-the-launchpad/
Tom Started of the talk by giving a whirlwind tour of circuits and embedded hardware. He and Jorel were using a TI Launchpad to control the slides! That was their first demonstration educational
topic. Tom explained both the hardware and software (code is written in C) and some of the subtler features. You have to look at their repo to get a full picture of this http://code.google.com/p/embedded-electronics/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fserial_project
(This demo/lesson uses half duplex serial interface)
Jorel talked about the second tutorial on RGB control of LED's. You can see the description here
Jorel was able to use both hardware and software to show RGB control. Both the demo projects on embedded control were awesome!
They are using TI's IDE for development of their software..
Zach C is continuing his work with Touch Of Math (an educational tool for teaching Mathematics for elementary school children). Zach is coding everything in JavaScript (and Zach is our resident expert on JavaScript!). Zach was able to show a small demo of his current status. Zach has implemented the history feature (for the list of commands) and has Greek symbols for equations.
There were many interesting questions/suggestions from students. It was a very enjoyable way to spend my lunch hour on Friday.
Summer 2012 RCOS Group Photo 6/1/2012
We have an enthusiastic group of students and amazing group of mentors. One can see a regular update on blogs and repositories of various projects in Observatory http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
This week we had three students presentations:
1. Amelia P - Circuit box http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ circuitbox/
2. Tim C, Jorel L - ti- msp launchpad tutoria
http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ in-depth-tutorial-of-embedded- electronics-using-the-ti-msp- launchpad/
3. Zach C Touch of Math http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/ touch-of-mathematics/
2. Tim C, Jorel L - ti- msp launchpad tutoria
3. Zach C Touch of Math http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/
Tom C and Jorel talked about how to use their project on making educational tools on how to use inexpensive TI launchpad Their project caught the attention of http://www.43oh.com/ and their project was featured here http://www.43oh.com/2012/06/rpis-embedded-control-course-with-the-launchpad/
Tom Started of the talk by giving a whirlwind tour of circuits and embedded hardware. He and Jorel were using a TI Launchpad to control the slides! That was their first demonstration educational
topic. Tom explained both the hardware and software (code is written in C) and some of the subtler features. You have to look at their repo to get a full picture of this http://code.google.com/p/embedded-electronics/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fserial_project
(This demo/lesson uses half duplex serial interface)
Jorel talked about the second tutorial on RGB control of LED's. You can see the description here
Jorel was able to use both hardware and software to show RGB control. Both the demo projects on embedded control were awesome!
They are using TI's IDE for development of their software..
Zach C is continuing his work with Touch Of Math (an educational tool for teaching Mathematics for elementary school children). Zach is coding everything in JavaScript (and Zach is our resident expert on JavaScript!). Zach was able to show a small demo of his current status. Zach has implemented the history feature (for the list of commands) and has Greek symbols for equations.
There were many interesting questions/suggestions from students. It was a very enjoyable way to spend my lunch hour on Friday.
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