Week 11 (11/11/11) Fall 2011 Semester
The fall color season is almost over. With so many activities going on, we just had two talks. But these two talks were well presented.
The speakers are:
a) Zach Fry and Bobby Zheng on Crowdsourcing for Geointelligence
b) Mike Heise Adaptive Math Game Library
Zach and Bobby are working on crowd sourcing str for 2500ategy to mark images in an image map.
They have created amazon turk. They have 225 images, and each image has max 20 pins, and each image will be analyzed 20 times. Thats 4500 * 20 or 90000 individual data points. This will be a set to work on. They have completed partial analysis -they have data from 2500 people. The technology they use is the amazon cloud services, EC2, server, SQL. Zach and Bobby will hope to complete their data-mining tasks before the end of Fall semester.
Their slides can be seen here
Crowdsourcing for geoint-11.11.11
View more presentations from mskmoorthy
Next Mike talked about his project on adaptive math game library. Mike has progressed in many fronts -mainly in ARM support. Mike has also written a number of test program for his libraries. Mike asked many interesting, thought proving and entertaining questions to audience. Clearly a few of RCOS students knew most of the answers.
There were many questions and suggestions from the audience.
As usual, I learned a lot.
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