Saturday, April 30, 2011

12th Week Videos (4/22/2011) Spring 2011

12th Week Videos (4/22/2011) Spring 2011

Thanks to our video guru Tim Horton, we have all the four talk videos are on line.

The four talks are by
1) Peter Hajas on Effective Presentations

2) Nate Stedman - Loompa and Observatory

3) Jerry Schneider - ROSS traffic model

4)Ben Shippee - Jumpstart

We have first talk byPeter Hajas on Efective presentation. As usual Peter's talk was awesome as you can see from this video

Nate Stedman gave a second talk. He talked about his stealth project Loompa (web inspector for Cocoa) and Observatory. Nate is our creative hacker par excellence. Here is his talk

Third Jerry Schneider talked about traffic management using RossNet. Jerry's talk may be found here.

Last but not the least Ben Shippe talked about his achievements with Jumpstart - He has almost finished what he was set to do. His talk video may be found here.

Their talk slides may be found here

I am happy to see that so many helpful seniors are graduating this semester and wishing them the very best.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

11th week RCOS Talk Videos 4/15/2011

11th week (4/15/2011) Spring 2011

Thanks to Tim Horton (Our ever faithful video man!) we have all the four talk videos.

First we had a talk by Joe DOuherty on Fire Deppartment Maangement Systems.
Here is his talk video.

Next we had a talk by Graylin Kim on Checklists for an effective Open Source software development.

His youtube talk video may be found here.

Rob Carr talked about his GO AI and goobject detector. His talk video may be found here.

Finally Colin Kubler talked about his Koala Programming Environment. His youtube talk video may be found here.

Their talk slides may be found in my previous blog entry.

Week 12 (4/22/2011) Spring 2011

Week 12 (4/22/2011) Spring 2011

We have our usual weekly meeting this Friday. We had four speakers.

1) Peter Hajas on Effective Presentations

2) Nate Stedman - Observatory

3) Jerry Schneider - ROSS traffic model

4)Ben Shippee - Jumpstart

Peter talked about making an effective and forceful presentation - He should know as he gave a fine talk at Undergraduate Research SYmposium. His talk slides may be found here.

Nate talked about how to contribute to Observatory and also gave a fine talk about his new project. Nate is truly a wizard of developing nice software. His talk slides may be found here

Jerry talked about his ROSSNet vehicular model. He has compiled his model and well on hi way to testing it. Jerry will include map for his final testing. His talk slides may be found here.

Finally Ben Shippe talked about his documentation and installation guide for Open Street Maps. Ben is close to completion and I tank Ben for taking this task seriously.

His talk slides may be found here.

All in all fine talks and followed by penetrating questions and answers. What an awesome hour to spend on Friday evening!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week 11 (4/15/2011) Spring 2011

Week 11 (4/15/2011): Spring Semester 2011

4/15/2011 is our annual tax day when we submit our federal and state taxes for the preceeding year. This year we had a couple of more days before we can send our tax returns! That does not bother the rcos group. Our presentations are going strong. This week we had four presentations.

1) Joseph Dougherty and Tom Rozanski

2 )Graylin Kim

3) Rob Carr Go Game Strategies

4) Colin Kuebler

Joe and Tom are finalists in the 2011 New York Business Plan Competition for their rcos project. They will be presenting on April 28th - Good Luck to them.Tom and Joe are rewriting their existing code as plug in architecture - to make their system more portable and modular. They have rewritten portions of their code and they look modular. There were many intersting questions from students. They gave a very slick presentation. Their presentation slides can be found here.

Graylin talked about his other project a format documentation project (about library for extracting game information from Starcraft II replay files into a replay object) and software checklists. Graylin crtiqued his own development based on the check list. His talk slides may be found here.

3) Rob talked about his Go AI Strategies. He wanted to use proverbial strategies than montecarlo methods. Go strategies are pretty hard - Rob is slowly making a headway into this. Rob is yet to put his projects inthe observatory. Never the less Rob is doing very good work and making good progress. His talk slides may be found here.

4) Finally Colin talked about his Koala system - a programming environment for any one (web based). He hd some setbacks so he could not demo his whole system. His lexical analyzer program works and he was able to demonstarte hello world program. This being his first rcos project, Colin has done a good job. His talk slides may be found here.

All in all talks were very good and showed a lot of clever ideas from superb students!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

10th week RCOS Talk Videos Spring 2011

Thanks to our video expert (Tim Horton, who has also been kind enough to "buzz" these videos), we have our four talk videos.

1) Matt O'Brien

Here is Matt's talk:

2) Tim and Matthew McMullen

Here is McMullens' talk:

3) Matt Arsenault

Here is Matt's talk:

4) Asher Glick and Tor Hagemann

Here is Asher's and Tor's talk:

For slides of their talks please look at

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 10 4/8/2011 Spring Semester

Week 10 (4/8/2011) Spring 2011

Tim Horton near his poster

Whole UGRS Poster Session (a birds eye view)

we has very hectic week - with UGRS poster session and presentation Around ten students (They are Tim Horton, Nate Stedman, Austin Wagner, Alex Shulgach, Brendon Justin , Umesh Jonnalagadda, Ashfaqul Islam (Nagy), Jeff Warren, Mike Ding, Kathryn Celentano (Nagy), Colin Sullivan (Curtis Bahn) Graylin Kim, Peter Hajas, Rob Carr from RCOS participated in this. The students as usual did a fantastic job both with posters as well as with presentations.

We had our usual presentations this week.

1) Matt O'Brien

2) Tim and Matthew McMullen

3) Matt Arsenault

4) Asher Glick and Tor Hagemann

Matt has completed most of his project - He has tested his system within CISCO Lab at RPI. He is trying to package his system. His talk slides may be here:

McMullen Brothers (Tim and Matthew) were progressing along - But theyare not pushing the code (especially Tim). Tim is working on improving the cryptographic methods while Matt is working on GUI Matt has progressed along nicely.

Matt has done excellent work with milkyway project. He has released an IPhone version (has over 500 downloads) Matt has been getting results from 100's people from his IPhone release His talk may be found here:

Finally Asher and Tor talked about Flick - They learned a lot about X11. They showed a simulation. Their slides may found here.

Again what a fantastic week it was!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

9th week RCOS Talk Videos (4/1/2011)

9th week (4/1/2011) Videos

Thanks to our video expert Tim Horton, we have the talks of four presenters on 4/1/2011

1) Austin Wagner, Alex Shulgach, Brendon Justin , Umesh Jonnalagadda
- Mobile Shuttle Tracker

Here is the youtube embedded video of their presentation

2) Michael O'Keefe - CAGE/ AirMath/ BioRuby

Here is the youtube embedded video his presentation

3) Adam Georgiou, Amy Wieliczka and Colin Sullivan - Concert

Here is the youtube embedded video of their presentation

4) Tim Horton - Notebook

Here is the youtube embedded video his presentation

For the slides please look at this blog.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 9 (4/1/2011) Spring Semester 2011

Week 9(4/1/2011) Spring Semester 2011

We are progressing along. We had four wonderful talks this week.

1) Austin Wagner, Alex Shulgach, Brendon Justin , Umesh Jonnalagadda
- Mobile Shuttle Tracker

2) Michael O'Keefe - CAGE/ AirMath/ BioRuby

3) Adam Georgiou, Amy Wieliczka and Colin Sullivan - Concert

4) Tim Horton - Notebook

Austin, Alex, Brendon and Umesh have done substantial work on Mobile Shuttle tracker. Android version is released and already 25 people have downloaded it. IPhone version is waiting for approval in IPhone appstore. Their Android version has a very nice user interface. They also provide closest bus stop and estimated time of arrival of buses. They interact with members of WTG (webt - tech group at RPI) who maintain the infrastructure. Their talk
may be found here.

2) Mike presented his CAGE. Mike is planning to package his system for others to use. Mike tried to demo air math (that is math done in air and results appearing on computers). This requires good gesture recognition. Mike mentioned the limitations of the bandwidth of wristwatch. His demo did not succeed because of the bandwidth problems. Mike is exploring other means that will not confuse the gesturing software.
Mike promised to post a youtube video. Mike also talked about bioruby and his documentation efforts with bioruby project (bioruby is going to gsoc (Google Summer of Code project)

3) Colin, Adam and Amy talked about their concert project. This time they talked mainly about their user interface done in HTML 5 and javascript. Their UI is very nice, have most of the features. Their talk slides may be found here.

4) Finally Tim talked about his notebook project. Tim has done substantial work in the last few days - and he (and Peter) demoed his system using python - It is quite impressive. It has the same feel as a Mathematica notebook. His talk slides may be found here.

All in all very nice talks. As usual I learned so much by listening to these talks.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 8 Talk Videos (3/25/2011) Spring 2011

Week 8 (3/25/2011) Talk Videos Spring 2011

Thanks to the graciousness of RCOS-er Tim Horton, we have the talk videos presented on 3/25/2011.

1) Talk by Peter Hajas on Mobile Notifier and Widge

2) Talk on Universal Batch Converter by John Dickinson, Alexander Hunt, Frank Koturski and Jonathan Kriss -

3) Zachary Clapper and Joseph LaBarbera - Touch of Math

4) Josh Komoroske on Tag

5) Evan Minto- Smart Guitar Chords

Awesome talks - Please see my previous blog with their talk slides