Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 9 : More Update Talks

Week 9: (7/23/2010)

With this week, we have concluded the update talks by all the student groups. We had talks by the following students

1) Jason Zallinger
2) Matthew O'Brien
3) Jacob Katz
4) Anthony Loven and Brittany Jason
5) Joseph Dougherty

Jason is in the process of evaluating his gmail adventures game. A group of student volunteers is evaluating the game and answering Jason's well chosen questionnaire. Jason showed us the glimpse of one such response. Jason is trying to hypothesize the narrative nature of gmail archives.

Matthew is building his local community website. He has been using PHP for his framework. Matthew has been learning a lot of new things, assimilating them and incorporating in his project. He showed us a demo of his project during his talk. With the current pace, I am hopeful that he will be able to complete his project before the end of this summer.

Jacob is working on his teaching chess to elementary school children, Jacob has completed coding (in C++ )and testing most of his engine. His remaining task is to implement a GUI, more testing, opening libraries and end game features. Jacob plans to test his development with an elementary school in Southern California.

Anthony and Brittany have made a considerable progress with their IntuiTask for Androids (of making calendars and agenda lists). They have implemented a fancier recursive task lists. They are yet to load and save the lists. (they are exploring the data base options and using the existing calendar formats). They are exploring the adaptability of Appinventors. Their presentation can found here.

Joe D has made quite a progress with his firehouse management system. Joe is using SQLite for his backend. He is using C++ and Qt for his work. Joe D is doing a micro blog. After discussing with Rob about licensing issues, Joe D is planning to push his code.

The update talks have been wonderful. Please look at our dashboard to get more details.

I am looking forward to hearing the final presentations in the coming three weeks.

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