Monday, May 3, 2010

Penultimate Week

Week 13: (4/30/2010)

What a fantastic semester RCOS had - of course nothing is perfect - Over all I have to rate the creativity of RCSO group very high. Let me quote from a former faculty member of CS department who is currently a professor in Europe (when I sent to get her feedback by looking at our RCOS links)
"Your RCOS initiative is very inspiring! The creativity of the projects...
that's American students at their best!"

I also watched a TED video over the weekend - Here it is

What you have accomplished by doing Open Source Projects will do a lot of good to the future RPI students and students elsewhere.

This week we had five presentations.

1) Rob Margolis and Chris Brown
2) Anna Cyganowski
3) Joseph Dougherty, Matthew Heffler and Brian Heller
4) Priti Kumar and Aileen Sheedy
5) Peter Healy,Jimmy Kiselak and Bryan Yudkin

Rob and Chris talked about their experiences from last semester (F 2009) RCOS project and why it did not succeed - They gave concrete suggestions. Their paper may be found here.

Ana has made progress with her Materials Lab Game - She has used Unify and a solid modeling package to create her games. She gave a short demo.

Joseph, Matthew and Brian had made progress with VoteBox. They have created a GUI prototype implementation for Ballot Sheet.

Priti and Aileen had redefined their lightbulb project to get user feedback about their system. This should be a valuable contribution, to any one who is building a simple interface to a computer for elderly and disabled.

Peter, Jimmy and Bryan have made progress with their perl implementation of automatically pulling various data from the web into their system for further processing. They showed a little demo with pulling lotto and hockey data.

Their progress can be watched in our dashboard.

Friday of this week (5/7/2010) is the final poster presentation in DCC Great Hall from 10-5:00 pm. Please come and participate and learn and contribute

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