Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 10 ( 8/2/2016)

This is the penultimate meeting for the summer semester 2016.

We had five excellent student presntations

1) Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) slides may be found here  He even showed a small demo of the game

2) Jason Lee (Tally  slides may be found here

3) Sida and Kevin  (Module Game Engine gave a presentation illustrating their contribution = Link to their slides

4) Haoxin and Ruiqi (YACS presented their contribution and they showed a demo of their work (showing the conflicts)

Overall it was a very nice meeting with good presentations

Monday, August 1, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 9 (7/26/2016)

Final Student presentations have started. We just had one project presentation - RPI Tours . Brain and Jacob talked about what they did (starting from any place), bug fixes - The project has still some tweaks to be done before its release.

Their presentation slides are here and a video is here

Students were enthusiastic and asked many interesting questions. Looking forward to other presentations on Week 10 (8/2/2016)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 8 (7/19/2016)

Even with Pizzas we are unable to attract students to come and attend our weekly meeting. C'est la vie!

Avi ( Servo Group  talked about the progress (close to PR)

Haoxin and Ruiqi (YACS are making good progress. Haoxin has pushed his first changes.

Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) is progressing along.

Brain and Jacob (RPI Tours is making a steady progress fixing bugs - on schedule to be released this Fall.

Kevin (Module Game Engine is working on command line interface to the project.

Jason Lee (Tally is progressing along.

Students are learning - I think I am learning more than what the students are learning.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 7 ( 7/12/2016)

We had a better turn out than last week. I have decided to contribute Pizza to serve as an enticement.

Rowan and Avi ( Servo Group talked about their progress. It is going as planned.  Rowan is learning a lot of new things.

Sida (Module Game Engine is working on command line interface to the project.

Wyatt (yIotTester has created a rcos page. He plans to blog about what he has learned so far.

Haoxin (YACS is pushing his shortened description of courses.

Ruiqi(Liquidity is  back on track - knows which javascript visualization libraries to use,

Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) is resolving some of the issues in the github page.

Brain and Jacob (RPI Tours is making a steady progress fixing bugs - on schedule to be rleased this Fall.

Good Progress is achieved by the by the students. A few  students tried to explain to me the nuances of Pokemon-Go which is taking the world by storm. Pokemon Go uses Unity as  a game engine which many of RCOS students (and GSAS students) use at RPI

Monday, July 11, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 6 (5th July 2016)

I am attending my first meeting of RCOS for this summer. It is hard to believe that already 6 weeks are gone (past the half way point). Because of the holiday weekend and the beginning of Summer C, attendance was a bit thin.

yacs group was attended by Haoxin Luo - He is making progress meeting up with yacs group over the slack channel (Ruyou was not present and not in the Observatory )

Modular Game Engine is represented by Sida Chen - He wants to test his code running in BulletPhysics extension - He is able to contact Aaron

yIoTTester project involving Raspberry Pi work is done by Wyatt Kroemer - He has developed some libraries - He is trying to use some of the prior developed libraries. This project is not in Observatory.

Fullscreen Pokemon project  is done by Graigor. He is writing unit tests. Josh is doing a great job of mentoring him.

Mozilla Servo project is being done steadily by Avi 

RPI Tours project  is being done by Jacob and Brian - They are making a steady progress. They are contacting th admissions office for feedback. One of the feautures they are trying to introduce is to start the tour any where.

I learned a lot more than what you could teach. Time well spent.