Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 5 Spring 2012 (2/24/2012)

Week 5 Spring 2012 (2/24/2012)

This is the first time (during my career at RPI), we truly have a spring semester (not a winter semester disguised as a spring semester!) The students at RCOS are doing great work - all their projects progress reports have green and smiley faces and their presentations have been excellent. Hope I am hoodwinked :).

This week we had four more excellent presentations:

1) Peter Hajas, Jeff Hui - Genesis

2) Alex Hunt/ Jon Kriss, Android Math Notebook

3) Matt Zanchelli -Blog.txt

Safari Passcode

4) Zach Fry, Bobby Zheng - Chronicle

Peter and Jeff gave their excellent presentation on Genesis - an IPhone application to be on the road editor for code to fix "mission critical" bugs on the road. They have already implemented part of their system and showed a demo. Peter talked about the front end of the system (including code highlighter, on the fly editing) and Jeff talked about the backend - how genesis communicates with outside world. As usual there were interesting questions and good suggestions from the audience.

Alex and Jonathan talked about Android Math Notebook. Their project is to enable taking (math) notes online easy. They are using one source handwriting toolkit for hand written recognition. This will be critical for the success of their project (both in terms of speed and accuracy). By making this an external module, they can concentrate on other things. They have implemented a gui. They are progressing quite well. Hoping to see great things from this accomplished group.

Matt Z is the next speaker. He is a freshman and he exudes an infectious enthusiasm that others could emulate. He talked about three projects. He has implemented a customizable password using master password in Safari. It is implemented in Javascript.
Matt gave a demo of his project. Matt Z is making sure that the security of these passwords are not compromised.

Then he talked about his other project blog.txt - It is the "easiest" blog writing system. When a plain text is dropped into his program, it is nicely formatted and a blog appears. Matt gave a demo of this system too. He is currently trying to enhance this software to do "more" things easily. Matt Z also briefly talked about his third project on cloud system. It is still in the design stage.

Bobby (and Zach) talked about their Chronicle System. Their system (based on android) will enable video taping lectures, tagging the segments and searching. They have implemented some of the components of their system. Rigt now, their design is based on wifi for bandwidth reasons. Hoping to see great progress in their useful (to all of the students) system.

All the presentation were well thought out and well delivered. All the projects have users in mind in their design. I hope that these projects take off big and have the largest user base.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 4 (2/17/2012) Spring 2012

Week 4 (2/17/2012) Spring 2012

Students are presenting the first talks. We had four wonderful talks.

1) Alex Gaynor - numpy

2) Beth Werbaneth, Justin Renga, Griffin Milsap, Colin Neville - ReRoot

3) Zach Clapper - Touch of Math

4) Shawn Denbow - Dr. Memory

Alex is continuing with his work on numpy to pypy. This effort will facilitate legacy FORTRAN (scientific) program to work under pypy - which will enable wider acceptance of Python among scientists. Using cypes as wrapper, these programs are imported. I am confident some womderful thing will come out of his work.

Beth, Justin, Colin (and Griffin) talked abou reroot - The aim is to enable Android as a console for video games , flipping power point slides. As per their research proposal, Reroot is an Android application which enables the user to fully control their computer’s input devices over a wireless network.
They are also working on accelerometer so that they can simulate wii like devices. They also showed a demo of their current implementation. Their presentations elicited a lot of questions

Zach is continuing his work on Touch of Maths. His current semester plan includes working inside the expression, having a history, making it stable Zach also showed a demo of the current status. Some of the questions include to have lesson plans under Touch of Mathematics.

Finally Shawn gave an excellent presentation of Dr. Memory. Shawn is working with Dr. Derek Bruening (Google) This is part of the DynamoRIO His project is to reverse engineer Microsoft function calls. Shawn has already reverse engineered quite a few function calls.

It was a wonderful way to end the week Talks and the interactions made me forgot all about my frustrations with the malfunctions of my laptop and desktop!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Talk Videos First and Third Weeks

Thanks to Jorel, we have our group photo as well as our videos of talks of first and third weeks (3 out of 5).

Week 1:

Prof. Bulent Yener - Security and Data Science Research

Dr. David Goldschmidt - Software Principles

Peter Hajas - Mentoring and being a good RCOS citizen

Joe Dougherty - Mentoring and Resources

Moorthy - Welcome

Week 3

Jerry, Trevor and Shawn - Blue Mesh

Asher and Beth - Briefcase

Christian, Mike, Dan and Luke DaBuzz

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 3 (2/10/2012) Spring 2012

Week 3 (2/10/2012) Spring 2012

RCOS has been going strong. We have a lot of students participating at RCOS - more than that they are very enthusiastic on coding.

This week, we had five talks

1) Jerry, Shawn and Trevor on BlueMesh

2) Asher and Beth on BriefCase

3) Christian, Dan, Mike and Luke on DaBuzz

4)Colin Kuebler on Syntax Highlighter

5)Colin Rice on BitHopper

After the group photo was taken, we got down to talks.

Jerry, Trevor and Shawn talked about their Blue Mesh Project. They have redesigned the project (their project uses polling) and implemented most of it. They are still testing. Jerry and Trevor are doing the back end, having blue mesh connection and Shawn is developing applications. Because it is based blue mesh, the system users have to be with in 20' of each other. There were a lot of penetrating questions by the students as well as excellent suggestions.

Asher and Beth continue to work on Briefcase, an open source version of Google Docs (for spread sheets). Beth is working on the backend (using Djanago and a data base) and Asher is working on the front end. The client code allows users to write API's (Zach Clapper has developed Math Javascript libraries). Colin Kuebler is helping with Syntax highlighting. They are also developing an open source code collaborative tool.

Christian, Dan, Mike and Luke talked about DaBuzz, is an application to gauge the market's perception of the stock market. They have to select which financial articles to scrape, to do sentiment analysis using NLTK, to select which stocks to
analyze and use machine learning to further refine and have a web front end and cloud storage. It is a daunting task and with four talented students working, I am confident that good software will come out of this.

Colin talked about syntax highlighting. He uses regular expressions to identify tokens. Colin uses a clever algorithm to recompute only the selected code that has changed since. Colin uses this syntax highlighting for his project on Koala. COlin gave a demo of his system and it works pretty fast.

Colin Rice, talked about his project BitHopper about how to make money from BitCoin. Even though this is Colin's first RCOS project, he has already established himself a great open source devloper and has a large following. Colin has developed his software based on sound mathematical ideas and clever algorithms. There were a few questions mostly about ethics and the algorithms used by Colin.

Overall, it is a fantastic set of first talks by the students. Hope this continues for the rest of the semester.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 2 (2/3/2012) Spring 2012

Week 2 (2/3/2012) Spring 2012

RCOS is on a roll. A lot of students are showing enthusiasm and motivation to RCOS.
I am hopeful that the enthusiasm and work ethics towards the open source software development.

This week we had two talk.

1) Brendan Ashby, Jonathan Skurka, Mike Casper and Andrew Bradely on pLANner

2) Rob Escriva '10 on HyperDex

Brendon, Jonathan, Mike and Andrew talked about pLANner - their final report of the fall semester. Their system is useful for on line gaming clubs. Currently only administrators can log in and not the players. Also only single elimination is implemented. But their progress in very good. Their development is good, but still needs work to be used by various organizations. They plan to continue working on this project and hope they will accomplish a lot more this semester

Rob talked about HyperDex his research work at Cornell University on distributed data base. Instead of key value pairs, his scheme uses hashing based on attributes. He also uses clever schemes to maintain consistency when the records are stored across different computers. Rob also compared his scheme with Cassandra and MongoDB competing Databases. Rob used different workloads for comparing the different methods. HyperDex seems to work well and it will be nice to have RCOS students use and test this. Rob as usual gave an excellent talk and the slides were very well thought out. His talk is well worth emulating (mainly applies to me!)

The RCOS URP applications are being collected and hopefully we will all be set for Spring 2012.