This is how RPI campus looked on Friday 25th Feb, 2011
RCOS follows the inscription found on the General Post Office in New York City at 8th Avenue and 33rd Street (http://www.infoplease.com/askeds/post-office-motto.html )
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers/students from the swift completion of their appointed rounds/work.
We had a very good turn out despite the weather. We had six talks scheduled.
1)Asher and Tor on Screen Sharing http://rcos.rpi.edu/projects/flick/posts/
2) Andrew Stromme (Swarthmore College), on "Small Scale Open Source
3) Justin, Alexander and Austin on Mobile Shuttle Tracking
4) Colin. Adam, Amy and Chris on Concert http://blog.concertsoundorganizer.com/
5) Casper, Alex and Jonathan on their project status
6) Jerry on Rossent Vehicular Traffic
Asher and Tor talked about their project flick - screen sharing - They have a lot of cool ideas - They have givena rought outline and schedule - Looks like their project is bound for success.
Their talk slides may be found here.
Flick slides
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Andrew (Swarthmore College) gave an inspiring talk about open source efforts in Swarthmore College. They have a club level organization and they develop open source in the small -think globally act locally theme. Their software has 3 to 5 developers and around 50 users. THeir software is requested from all over the world.
Mobile shuttle tracking sofwtare has been going in full swing. They have a small demo and they have even implemented Expected time of arrival. They have been developing software for both Android and IPhones. Their talk slides may be found here.
Concert group has made a major breakthrough with restful API - From here on it should smooth sailing for them.
Concert spring 2011_presentation_1
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Anywghere sync's group found Filezilla (another open source product) doing similar things - They want to do some other project either chess teaching program or filezilla contribution. Only time will tell how that is going to go. The slides are in
Anywhere sync
View more presentations from mskmoorthy.
Jerry talked about Rossnet Vehicular traffic Model. His system is more on perfromance analysis tool and may be useful for evacuation agencies. His talk slides are found here:
All in all I learned a lot - The students are doing the projects and I have great expectations for Spring 2011.