Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 10 ( 8/2/2016)

This is the penultimate meeting for the summer semester 2016.

We had five excellent student presntations

1) Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) slides may be found here  He even showed a small demo of the game

2) Jason Lee (Tally  slides may be found here

3) Sida and Kevin  (Module Game Engine gave a presentation illustrating their contribution = Link to their slides

4) Haoxin and Ruiqi (YACS presented their contribution and they showed a demo of their work (showing the conflicts)

Overall it was a very nice meeting with good presentations

Monday, August 1, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 9 (7/26/2016)

Final Student presentations have started. We just had one project presentation - RPI Tours . Brain and Jacob talked about what they did (starting from any place), bug fixes - The project has still some tweaks to be done before its release.

Their presentation slides are here and a video is here

Students were enthusiastic and asked many interesting questions. Looking forward to other presentations on Week 10 (8/2/2016)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 8 (7/19/2016)

Even with Pizzas we are unable to attract students to come and attend our weekly meeting. C'est la vie!

Avi ( Servo Group  talked about the progress (close to PR)

Haoxin and Ruiqi (YACS are making good progress. Haoxin has pushed his first changes.

Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) is progressing along.

Brain and Jacob (RPI Tours is making a steady progress fixing bugs - on schedule to be released this Fall.

Kevin (Module Game Engine is working on command line interface to the project.

Jason Lee (Tally is progressing along.

Students are learning - I think I am learning more than what the students are learning.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 7 ( 7/12/2016)

We had a better turn out than last week. I have decided to contribute Pizza to serve as an enticement.

Rowan and Avi ( Servo Group talked about their progress. It is going as planned.  Rowan is learning a lot of new things.

Sida (Module Game Engine is working on command line interface to the project.

Wyatt (yIotTester has created a rcos page. He plans to blog about what he has learned so far.

Haoxin (YACS is pushing his shortened description of courses.

Ruiqi(Liquidity is  back on track - knows which javascript visualization libraries to use,

Graigon (Full Screen Pokemon ) is resolving some of the issues in the github page.

Brain and Jacob (RPI Tours is making a steady progress fixing bugs - on schedule to be rleased this Fall.

Good Progress is achieved by the by the students. A few  students tried to explain to me the nuances of Pokemon-Go which is taking the world by storm. Pokemon Go uses Unity as  a game engine which many of RCOS students (and GSAS students) use at RPI

Monday, July 11, 2016

Summer 2016 Week 6 (5th July 2016)

I am attending my first meeting of RCOS for this summer. It is hard to believe that already 6 weeks are gone (past the half way point). Because of the holiday weekend and the beginning of Summer C, attendance was a bit thin.

yacs group was attended by Haoxin Luo - He is making progress meeting up with yacs group over the slack channel (Ruyou was not present and not in the Observatory )

Modular Game Engine is represented by Sida Chen - He wants to test his code running in BulletPhysics extension - He is able to contact Aaron

yIoTTester project involving Raspberry Pi work is done by Wyatt Kroemer - He has developed some libraries - He is trying to use some of the prior developed libraries. This project is not in Observatory.

Fullscreen Pokemon project  is done by Graigor. He is writing unit tests. Josh is doing a great job of mentoring him.

Mozilla Servo project is being done steadily by Avi 

RPI Tours project  is being done by Jacob and Brian - They are making a steady progress. They are contacting th admissions office for feedback. One of the feautures they are trying to introduce is to start the tour any where.

I learned a lot more than what you could teach. Time well spent.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 12 (8/11/2015) SUmmer Semester

Summer Semester came to an end.  We had usual turnout (barring two singleton groups). Most of the groups  have contributed to the projects as much as possible. Avi pathched X11 code and he had submitted his patch. Congratulations Avi. Congratulations to every one who have made sincere effort to learn and work on their projects.

Off to Fall Semester!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week 11 (8/4/2015) Summer Semester 2015

Summer semester is slowly coming to an end. Students have learnt a lot - both what to do and what not to do.  The students are working on their projects.  As I am struggling to learn new things, I understand the difficulties faced by the students.

I am looking forward to hearing thir final contributions next week.